• Resolved AshokanKid


    There is another 24H / 12H clock thread, but this is pretty important to the end user / visitor.

    As I mentioned in the other Clock thread, we who use Unix / Linux / Servers are fine with 24 H (Military) time.

    The end user / site visitor AND even our event planners or musicians are going to have a VERY rough time with 24 H Military time.

    Editors of the site can deal with the 24 H clock, but my Calendar View displays only the 24 H to the end user visitor which is bad, Bad, BAD.

    Without going into too much detail, my site is for a Country Band and the end user visitor is a Country Music Fan. Yeee-haw.

    Without casting any aspersions here, suffice to say that many of the fans are older “more traditional” type folk and the 12 H clock is quite enough for them to handle. ??

    Can we do anything about the Calendar View clock? (Simply?)

    Next, and this can probably be dealt with by hacking the PHP templates, the Event View List is not even using my Theme (Weaver II) default font and is instead using some teeny “system” looking font.

    Horrible looking and barely readable. My “workaround” is to not even use the Event List View and to use ONLY the Calendar View. It would be great to have some font control or at least that the plug-in uses the Theme default font, yes?

    As usual, THANKS and HUGE Kudos for this excellent plug-in~!


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  • Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    Hi AshokanKid,

    I think I addressed most of your points regarding time formatting in the other thread.

    Regarding the event view list – the plug-in adds not styling at all in this respect (a bit for the calendar, and a bit for the agenda widget, and a bit for tooltips – but apart from that nothing).

    The text probably looks different because the default template HTML mark-up does not match that of your theme. This happens, but its incredibly easy to fix and basically involves comparing the default template to a simliar one in your theme and making changes to former to look like the latter.

    Alternatively, just copy the contents of that template into the default one (which you then copy into your theme!) and then add in the available functions has desired. They are generally well documented, so it shouldn’t be too hard to customise the events pages to exactly how you want them.

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter AshokanKid


    Stephen, you are a Prince~!

    Wish that I could assist with your plug-in a bit more, but my code experience and capability is minimal.

    Know that your work here is MUCH appreciated and your plug-in (even “as-is”) makes life SO much easier for us.

    We WILL be donating and probably using your plug-in for other projects now that we have discovered you. Thanks again!


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