• I just set up WP 2.2, I have added these plug-ins:

    Lazyest Gallery
    Lightbox JS v2.03.2 Plugin
    Post Levels
    Themed Login and Register

    You can see the site here: https://fusiondigitalproductions.com/wp

    I actually have only 1 post on the site, but for some reason the site shows 11 posts under “Uncategorized” – when you click on that category you get a “Not Found” error.

    Anyone have any ideas? Or can you tell me where in the database these fictitious posts may live so I can manually delete them?



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  • I don’t see anything like that, only 2 posts in News.

    I don’t see these 11 uncategorized posts only 2 under category News. Problem solved already?

    Thread Starter paulrus


    Nope – when I view it both at work and at home I see 11 uncategorized posts.

    I checked it in both FF and IE. Double checking it reveals that you only see the 11 posts if you are logged in.



    Do you have 11 private posts?

    Next: Is your theme compatible with 2.2?

    Furthermore: check what template tag is in use to display your categories in the sidebar. Some of them have been deprecated, so replace them with the new one(s).

    Thread Starter paulrus


    Honestly I have no idea. I tried contacting the creator of the theme because I’m a hack at best. I was willing to pay him to modify his theme to work for me – I was looking to widgetize it, but he’s not replied.

    I’ve also noticed the menus are screwed up in IE.

    Thanks for the link – I’ll do my best to update the template.


    Thread Starter paulrus


    I’ve checked and this is what the template has:

    <?php wp_list_categories('show_count=1&title_li=<h2>Posts</h2>'); ?>

    That seems to be OK.
    Deactivate your plugins one by one and see when will it start to work correctly.

    Thread Starter paulrus


    D’Oh – why didn’t I think of that.

    Found the problem: Post Levels https://fortes.com/projects/wordpress/postlevels

    That plugin “suffers” from the same fault described here.

    Thread Starter paulrus


    Thanks – I think I may have found the offending code, but I don’t know enough to try to fix it:

    $sql = preg_replace("/({$wpdb->posts}\.)?post_status[\s]*=[\s]*[\'|\"]publish[\'|\"]/", " ({$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish' OR ({$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'private' AND (pl_{$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key = '$postlevels_post_key' AND pl_{$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value <= $postlevels_current_user_level )))", $sql);

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