@mikejolley Yes it redirect correctly but since the new button for external product after patch 3.4 there are following problems:
1.Button is dofollow, before it was nofollow = bad for seo
2. Customer do not know where the link goes when he hover over the button in chrome and firefox
3.Can′t track the new button in google analytics and google tag manager
4. On some affiliate programs you can′t get commission anymore cause the referall isn′t sending
5. It′s against the ToS of some Affiliate programs, when the affiliate link don′t show up in the left corner = could irritate customer.
6. Link do not show up in a new tab since 3.4 – Many people don′t have the know how to change the template to give the button a blank target
Woocommerce was perfect for Affiliate Stores before 3.4. Are you changing the external button back in the future, like it was before? Because i do not see any positive aspect in the new external button. Some Affiliate Marketing Business Friends, who are using woocommerce too having the same problem since the 3.4 update and everyone made a rollback.