• I have worked with WordPress for 10 years. Never been a member or posted.
    I have read more than 1000 of the comments before deciding to post. I read every one to learn to be fair and hopefully to be able to contribute something meaningful.
    Incidentally, I note that a traditional WYSIWYG editor is used on this site. I expected to find Gutenberg. I thought I would find a “block” in which to post my comment. So much for wry commenting.
    I truly appreciate the vision of WP RESTful webservices and its API. I believe that I see where WordPress is ultimately going. At least I think I do.
    I am sure that from a content editor “core” component, Gutenberg may very well satisfy networked content (content as a cloud SaaS) as it moves to “blocks” as end-delivery points. Others are already going there adapting traditional page editors to accommodate the now vast menu of distributable content types and content based API services. No doubt evolution such as this has to takes place sometime.
    But, if that is not what WordPress/Gutenberg is moving towards, than a vast majority of the views posted here are, at least in my opinion, accurate.
    It was premature to the community to make it core. It should be a plugin for the moment. Even the TwentyNineteen theme, which is clearly focused on providing the “cleanest slate” to “try out” Gutenberg is premature. It requires too much knowledge of Gutenberg (absent custom code) for a client to consider or even to try out, for example. That is too bad. Everyone I work with likes to try out the new themes.
    Gutenberg is simply too much too soon. The adaptation curve from traditional WordPress work flow that, if the community is similar to me, has developed (and trained end users) over many years – requires to much abrupt re-thinking. It is the abruptness that is the key word. It’s techniques are simply abruptly different. Not horrible. Not world ending. Just very different.
    The WordPress Team has created something that seems (and may prove to be) very advanced with Gutenberg regardless of whether, at the moment, it is intuitive. It isn’t. But if distributed content is the goal, it appears (at least to me) to be an intelligent starting point.
    I want to believe that The Team would not have invested this much time and energy if the goal was not something valuable.
    It’s just going to be an ugly journey accepting “blocks” and then the repetitive “icon-categorized” content creation tools that must be revisited with each block, each step, each edit in order to arrive where everyone wants to be.
    I will continue to try it, but I have installed the classic editor.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by adminsvs.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by adminsvs.
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