1 site yet need 4 individual blog accounts. Is it possible?
I am just now uploading the newer version and starting off everything. I’m new here so it’s my 1st blog I’m creating on my site not up yet. I need 4 individual blog accounts.
I’ve read so much that I’m not sure if uploading and creating 4 different wordpress blog database accounts is correct or not? Another article read that you can do this from one data base and not have to create 4.
I’m wanting to make it where we can do photobloging too.
Is this possible with 1 database or do I need to create 4?
I’m not the worlds best at this however I am a quick study and don’t mind reading, or doing what I need to do. Just would like to be able to do it the correct way.
Ps. I do have gallery installed however was thinking about getting rid of it do to all the plugins that seem to create a gallery with wordpress.
Hope this makes sense to someone.
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