• ResolvedPlugin Author axew3


    email message as it has been received:

    I have a multisite (latest wordpress version installed) with your phpbb plugin installed (also latest version) and when I log in to my WordPress site and then try to access the wp-admin, I get an error page (too many redirects). I found in your plugin that when I comment out lines 519 and 520 in this file: class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php (it’s wp_redirect call and exit), the problem disappears and I can safely access wp-admin. Can you please look into this and maybe fix this?

    This will be checked and so included as fix into next coming 1.7.8.
    If anybody experience the same, this should so fix the problem in the while.

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  • Plugin Author axew3


    So this the log of my reply, and the fix proposed x 1.7.8, without going to change nothing else in some other place/file:

    Hello, i’m just around on fly to check the plugin compatibility with WP 4.9 (and all seem ok) and fix something, so i’ve remember about your message …

    I found in your plugin that when I comment out lines 519 and 520
    in this file: class.wp.w3all-phpbb.php (it’s wp_redirect call and exit), the
    problem disappears and I can safely access wp-admin. Can you please look
    into this and maybe fix this?

    the solution to remove the code not work, because: if an user update his email in phpBB than click to go directly to wp profile page, may due to iframe mode or a direct custom link in phpBB to wp profile, the email field isn’t updated (it is updated on db, but will shown, until no refresh, as the old one (user’s data to display are retrieved before)).
    The short workaround so may will be this:

    if ( defined( 'WP_ADMIN' ) ) { // going on profile directly from forum iframe, update onload user's profile fields
        //wp_redirect( admin_url().'profile.php');
    Plugin Author axew3


    following and fixing for next 1.7.8 i found that nor the above solution is ok.
    It not correctly do the right work onlogin.
    SO another solution need to be found…

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