1.2.0-beta Available for Comment
I just uploaded version 1.2.0-beta for testing. Please download the linked zip and comment if you’re a user of the plugin.
This will be a major update that moves, adds, and removes buttons as well as renames a few things. This is all with the goal of providing the most streamlined set of buttons and options for correctly formatting content.
From the changelog:
- Update “Heading” list to emphasize implied hierarchy. (See #38049 for background and potential core inclusion.)
- Add horizontal rule button.
- Rename “Text Styles” to “Custom Styles” for clarity.
- Remove Indent/Outdent buttons. (Use TAB / SHIFT + TAB for list indentation.)
- Remove code and pre from “Other Formats”. (Use backticks (`) for code.)
- Update textdomain to support language packs.
- Escape all translations
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