• lswanlove


    I’m looking for a web host that offers a 100+ MB of space, CFMX, PHP, MySQL, Access, and support for both Moveable Type AND WordPress for around or less than $10.00/month … any one know of a good one? Reliable, etc?

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  • southerngal


    I do know one, but I can’t tell you on here, I think that I will get yelled at. ?? Visit my profile, it’s in there.

    Orbit Juice


    Whatever you do… stay away from HasWeb/HostDime.
    The rates are cheap but the service is extremely poor and thier uptime is only about 80%.
    ImHosted.Com is a decent webhost.



    I have been through a few hosts in my time and can say that MeirHosting.net is the most reliable, affordable webhost out there.



    Maybe I am being mean, you can check my host here…



    DO NOT GO FOR 1&1!!! They are AWFUL!!!



    if its seems to good to be true then it is.
    1 gig of space and 15 gigs of bandwidth for less then $10 is extremly low. something has to be cut there. it be support or the server its self. its just another endore.com in the making.

    Nick Momrik


    For the free account they were giving away it is ok, since it’s free. I have one of my domains parked there, but not my primary. I use Aplus.net and love it! I pay $20 a month, but it’s worth every penny. ??



    I think the key request you have is CFMX support. Hosts that offer PHP/MySQL are a dime a dozen, and cheap. Likewise, you can find plenty that offer CFMX. Finding one that offers CFMX *and* PHP/MySQL is a bit tougher (and very difficult for under $10.) The reason is simple: most PHP/MySQL hosts are on Linux, while most CFMX hosts are on Windows.
    The host I use offers many packages, both Linux and Windows. The CFMX package I have includes:
    150MB, 6GB bandwidth, 5 domains, 10 domain aliases, 10 subdomains, 40 POP3 accounts, 50 mail forwards, 10 FTP accounts, 10 databases/ODBC DSN’s, and 25MB of SQL Server space. I can use SQL Server 2000, MySQL, or Access (in any combination up to 10 databases).
    All accounts include ASP, ColdFusion MX, Perl, PHP, CGI-BIN, MIME Type Editor, Custom Error Pages, DNS Editor, LiveStats V6. FrontPage Extensions or ASP.NET can be enabled if desired.
    The plan I have is $20/month.
    They do have a $12/month plan with 50MB, 2GB bandwidth, 2 domains, etc. You only get 2 databases, but they can be any of the aforementioned types.
    Here’s the link:



    I’ve been playing with 1and1 a bit (heck, it was free) and it seems okay. I installed MT and a PHP photo gallery without any notable difficulty. One thing though — I don’t think I’ve ever seen a less intuitive or slower control panel — but if your comfortable with the shell it seems to work well. Support, I don’t know about, I haven’t broken anything yet ??
    For what it’s worth, the domains that matter to me are with VerveHosting.



    I personally love my 1and1 account… their backend stuff is TERRIBLE, as cedar said, but I’m perfectly happy going to the shell and playing around in there. And hell, it was FREE so I really can’t complain. I’m dreading if I ever need any support from them, but really, that’s MAYBE a once a year thing, so who cares? It’s free dammit!
    However, if I ever get sick of 1and1 I fully intend to go back to bloghosts.com… those guys are fantastic, with EXCELLENT support, and pretty solid prices to boot.



    Free or cheap hosts like 1and1 are all well and good, but the original poster’s requirements were to have “100+ MB of space, CFMX, PHP, MySQL, Access” amongst other things…1and1 (as well as the others I’ve seen listed here) do NOT offer CFMX…and certainly not in combination with PHP/MySQL…



    I use p4host.com
    300 megs of storage
    12 gigs of transfer
    999 pop accts
    unlimited sql and databases
    Sweet backend Cpanel tools
    lots of scripts.
    their cpanel script fantastico can install so much software
    Get this, only 3.99 a month! I have emailed support 6 times, the most I’ve had to wait is 2 hours for an answer. Usually faster!



    > However, if I ever get sick of 1and1 I fully intend to go back to bloghosts.com…
    > those guys are fantastic, with EXCELLENT support, and pretty solid prices to boot.
    I want to “me too” this. I’m running a handful of domains on BlogHosts, and have been extremely pleased with the service and support and prices.



    I’m using Total Choice Hosting and I’ve been really happy with them. I’m running MT and wordpress. I’ve got the silver plan $5 a month for 10 gigs transfer and 500 megs storage. Unlimited databases, e-mails, subdomains, etc. Of course I really don’t have a lot of traffic, but I haven’t had a single problem.



    I’m a big fan of my new host, Dr2.net. WP runs just fine on it.

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