Howto Moderate Trackbacks Only
The following works on several blogs 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
Edit your wp-trackback.php file.
Search for :
("$comment_post_ID", "$author", "$email", "$tb_url", "$user_ip", "$now", "$now_gmt", "$comment", "$approved")
and change the $approved to 0 (zero). This will force all trackbacks into moderation.NOTE :
This will not moderate comments. It will cause ALL trackbacks to be thrown into moderation for approval.To disable trackbacks completely you can comment out the following line :
$pingstatus = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ping_status FROM $tableposts WHERE ID = $tb_id");
by putting at the begining of the line \\
then put a new line underneath with :
$pingstatus = ‘closed’;NOTE :
This will not disable comments. It will cause ALL trackbacks to be ignored.
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