Clients are having weird problems. This is the test site. The problem is when you fill out the booking information and I choose for example Poland as the country it will give this error notice after choosing the European bank transfer method. Just try it for yourself to see this is the case.
Billing postcode / zip is not a valid postcode
So if you got this error, still on the same screen and you change the country to for example the Netherlands it will finish the payment process succesfully after. I have been looking at it from all directions, but I havent found the issue here. this problem hasnt happen before and when I was notified about it, nothing got updated to cause this. Also I checked it without caching and even in incognito modus and still it happened. Can you please test the above and tell me what you think? Thank you in advance.
]]>I have been going in circles and with the code below I see the zip code and text search but not the category search. I set the ‘View All’ text to 0 because in earlier efforts I saw categories but the ‘Show All’ text only showed ‘Show’ and now I am where you see (no where). I’m wondering if anyone can help me so I can show all options for the most robust search.
[cn_multi_category_search category=’5|0|View Construction Remodeling|Searching Construction Remodeling: %s,4|0|View Maintenance Repair|Searching Maintenance Repair: %s’,3|0|View Self-Storage Painters|Searching Self-Storage Painters: %s|checklist’ enable_keyword=true’ enable_zipcode=’true’ radius_options=’5:5 Miles|10:10 Miles|15:15 Miles|20:20 Miles’]
[connections enable_pagination=’TRUE’ page_limit=21]
Thank you.
]]>help suggest a solution thank you
]]>for my website I want to create a search bar where you can type your zipcode or city, and it will search for the closest location. I can’t find any plugins that work with Dutch zipcodes. I also want the search bar on the homepage, but when you search for a zipcode it leads you to another page. The results of the search bar also need to be clickable, so it can lead you to the page of the location.
Does anyone know how I can install this? Thanks!