I bought the plugin today and can’t wait to use it. I’ve already gone through all the settings, but the Kanban mode doesn’t appear on the frontend. How can I get it up and running? Thank you
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_type() on bool in /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-product-data-panel.php:20
Stack trace:
#0 /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/class-wc-meta-box-product-data.php(33): include()
#1 /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/wp/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1401): WC_Meta_Box_Product_Data::output(Object(WP_Post), Array)
#2 /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/wp/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(688): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), 'normal', Object(WP_Post))
#3 /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/wp/wp-admin/post.php(206): require('/Users/doops/Wo...')
#4 {main}
thrown in /Users/doops/Work/22group/wp-eziliswim/web/content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-product-data-panel.php on line 20
All products that use the Product Bundle type are pumping out this error in the product edit pages. The error is very noticeable as it will display a different products information in the product data.
An attempt to clarify the above:
Products: a=bundle, b=grouped, c=bundle, d=simple
Situation: products a & c both are unable to show the product data tab and show the product information of the same product which is last alphabetically in the whole product list. Which, in this case is product d. Lastly, product d will also show product d information as expected.
The error flagged at the top displays the product data section, and within it the only option available in the product type dropdown is an option populated by this error, also there is no other product data accessible. While also showing an incorrect products description and such.
Weirdly I can press duplicate on the product, it will show the correct information in the duplicated product tab, then after publishing it will show the broken page again, all the while it will show the correct information on the front-end of the site.
I have tried every other plugin for a conflict and it is 100% stemming from this plugin.
I have also tried a WordPress base theme Twenty-Two and that allows the product data to display as expected. There is a problem with this plugin and the Zephyr theme.
Please can someone outline how I can find which part of this theme, which is store bought, is causing this problem?
]]>I’d highly recommend this plugin.
]]>Hi Dylan, I have a problem with the application on Android. The “Zephyr Users” that log into the application, receive notifications of tasks that are not assigned to them and also see the projects to which they do not have access. I would also like to know if there is any way that users can receive an email when a comment is added (discussion) in the tasks assigned to the user.
You have your account activated if you need.
It would be nice if you could implement some kind of document repository, because now I am using the discussion part of the tasks, and although that works well for me, it is sure that a plugin would be much better. I have seen that you have a google drive plugin, it would be interesting to try it and at what price will you put it on sale?
Thank you very much!
Miguel Angel
]]>Very easy to use, all the feature we needed for our different team, the interface is very nice and clean.
Good job!
]]>Who ever made it…Thanks and now the only challenge I have is to go to every WordPress site we have and change them all giving them a new lease of eye pleasing life as now I certainly will be enjoying working daily in the backend! This little plugin gets a Five star in my books!