There are essentially two issues:
1) there is something notifying me that the connection is refused. Not sure what the connection is that I’m supposed to be making, as no more detail, but there’s no indication of a port I should be opening in the firewall or if it relates to connection to the Apache server, so can’t do anything about it. Any ideas?
2) the level of cache hits is 94.9%, and that is showing as a warning for me, on the tool (query monitor) that flags this. It is a big ratio hits:misses, but I’m not sure if
a) I should be concerned with that number of misses – if so what do I do?
b) this means the cache size is too small, or there’s something else wrong, or if there’s likely to be something interfering with the hit/miss activity?
I’m assuming that the hits level
– is too low if it’s getting a warning
– there’s something that can be done
and even that getting a hit is a good thing, or if that’s actually too high rather than too low.
Sorry about this, I’m not entirely sure about what the baseline is, but the query monitor is showing red and that being the focus, so I’m asking before something bigger goes wrong or in case it should be turned off as not working for me.
]]>I have tried using the exact code and replacing the curly quotes with regular quotes. I have tried using the real subscriber’s channel name
I have tried using the channel in the instructions
GoDaddy Managed WordPress version 4.9.8 – PHP version 5.6 (upgrading soon)
Getting a fatal error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Uri_Exception’ with message ‘Invalid URI supplied’ in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/inc/Zend/Uri/Http.php:156 Stack trace: #0 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/inc/Zend/Uri.php(140): Zend_Uri_Http->__construct(‘https’, ‘//…’) #1 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/inc/Zend/Http/Client.php(269): Zend_Uri::factory(‘…’) #2 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/inc/Zend/Feed.php(170): Zend_Http_Client->setUri(‘…’) #3 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/autolastyoutubevideo.php(41): Zend_Feed::import(‘…’) #4 /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/autolastyoutubevideo.php(74): yout in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas09_data03/00/2594700/html/wp-content/plugins/auto-last-youtube-video/inc/Zend/Uri/Http.php on line 156
It shows under “Opcode Cache” but not Page Cache or any of the others, so I have to choose “Disk: Enhanced” or even just “Disk”, which does not seem good.
Why does it not show? Am I better off unchecking the Disk option for the Page, Browser, Minify, Database and Object cache settings?
]]>After I enable opcache, the wordpress visualcomposer (frontend editor) stops working or takes 4 minutes to load something that without OpCache takes 5 seconds to load..
PHP 5.6
Visual Composer
Wordpress 4.5.3
apache 2.4.18
]]>I get those PHP Zend errors and the site won’t load. Fix seems to be to copy the theme files via FTP to overwrite existing files. Problem.
Today, I got white screen of death on several sites using this theme. I tried pulling plugins first, didn’t help. Then I swapped themes to Twenty 16 and sure enough, works fine.
Is this in active development? Are there some known plugin conflicts? Any recommendations?
]]>When this plugin is activated along with Plugin Notes I see the following when trying to add a note:
Zend Framework Default Application An error occurred Page not found
This is the only plugin with Zend and when I deactivated it, Plugin Notes worked fine.
]]>This function requires part of the Zend framework that interacts with Google.
It appears that either:
The Zend Framework is not on the include_path or
You do not have the Zend Framework installed
php.ini file is “/etc/php.ini “
locate the the Zend directory on your computer
If found, here is one way to put it on the include path
copy the php.ini file to your WordPress installation to [wp-dir]/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/php.ini
add a line to this new file:
If not found, install and configure Zend version 1.11.11 (or contact or administrator or host provider)
See: Getting Started with the Google Data PHP Client Library
To download the part of Zend 1.11.11 required, see: Zend GData
I have Zend framework 2, but I have no idea how to install version 1.11.11? I’m kinda “new” to coding, but still. Is there any other way to fix this problem or do I have to download the part of Zend 1.11.11?
WordPress version that I have is 4.3
Thank you very much, help would be appreciated.
]]>We buy a plugin and find it is encoded with Zend Ioncube, then there is an upgrade to WordPress or PHP and wham our site is dead.
I do not want to fix this, we are abandoning any plugins that support this and will never buy another that use it because I am really not happy to have my whole site inaccessible rather than just disabling the plugin concerned.
So now I need to know how to gut this awful thing from my website.
I have looked in WP-Config, I renamed .htaccess
So how do I kill this once and for all?
“Zend Optimizer not installed
This file was encoded by the Zend Guard (404) . In order to run it, please install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge), version 3.0.0 or later.”
]]>One is Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException’ with message ‘Expected response code 200, got 503 Quota exceeded for the current request’
The second is along the same lines, but starts with Unable to allocate memory for pool.
This started very recently, and I don’t believe it is related to the upgrade to WP 4.2.1 – I actually noticed it before the upgrade, when I was still running WP 4.1.1. It had been working fine on WP 4.1.1 for quite a while.
I’m currently running WP 4.2.1 with Postie Version 1.6.18.