I am getting this error YTC ERROR: cURL error 6: name lookup timed out.
Please help
]]>No details. How to debug?
Trying to setup a channel for a new website. Here’s the JSON file text :
{“date”:”Wed, 23 Nov 2016 19:00:45 +0000″,”server”:”Apache\/2.4.23″,”php”:”5.4.45″,”wp”:”4.6.1″,”ytc”:”3.0.9″,”url”:”http:\/\/alayafoundation.com”,”for”:”global”,”vanity”:”UCSlFzYGuJkm594OYNBQUPSw”,”channel”:”UCSlFzYGuJkm594OYNBQUPSw”,”username”:””,”playlist”:””,”resource”:0,”cache”:300,”fetch”:50,”num”:25,”privacy”:0,”ratio”:3,”width”:306,”responsive”:1,”display”:”thumbnail”,”themelight”:0,”fullscreen”:1,”controls”:0,”autoplay”:0,”autoplay_mute”:0,”norel”:0,”playsinline”:0,”showtitle”:”below”,”showdesc”:0,”desclen”:0,”modestbranding”:0,”hideanno”:0,”hideinfo”:0,”goto_txt”:”View our Youtube page”,”popup_goto”:1,”link_to”:”channel”,”tinymce”:1,”nolightbox”:0}
]]>i have this message “YTC ERROR: Check YouTube Data API Key restrictions, empty cache if enabled by appending in browser address bar parameter ?ytc_force_recache=1”
but i don’t understand in your FAQ “Try to remove restrictions by referer or IP in your YouTube Data API Key ” ?
Please what are “restrictions by referer or IP” ?
I tried to create a new browser key …but always error
]]> I installed the plugin with valid API key, the page shows:
(YTC ERROR: Double check YouTube Data API Key on General plugin tab and make sure it’s correct. Read Installation document.)
Used [youtube_channel] on a page.
The key is valid as I am testing (Youtube Channel Gallery) plugin and it works fine.
Thank you in advance
]]>URL of your website where you use or tied to use YTC: techfreshness.com
Version of WordPress you use: 4.2.2
Version of YTC with which you experienced problem:
Are you using some caching plugin, CDN or CloudFlare: no
What type of YouTube Data API Key you made (Browser or Server) and do you set some restrictions for that key: server, and i initially set restrictions, but then regenerated a new key without any, and am using that one
How you implemented/inserted YTC to website: widget in right sidebar, json file attached
no error messages, just no videos show anymore
not sure how to insert json file, may i email it to you? i cut and paste the text if that helps:
{“date”:”Sat, 06 Jun 2015 00:28:27 +0000″,”server”:”Apache”,”php”:”5.4.37″,”wp”:”4.2.2″,”ytc”:”″,”url”:”http:\/\/www.techfreshness.com”,”for”:”youtube-channel-2″,”title”:””,”channel”:”UC1SZCqg1bGjqkv5cGSk9O-Q”,”playlist”:””,”only_pl”:false,”goto_txt”:””,”showgoto”:false,”popup_goto”:”0″,”showtitle”:false,”descappend”:”\u2026″,”width”:”240″,”autoplay”:false,”autoplay_mute”:false,”norel”:false,”controls”:false,”fixnoitem”:false,”ratio”:”3″,”fixyt”:””,”hideinfo”:””,”hideanno”:””,”themelight”:””,”debugon”:””,”userchan”:””,”num”:”3″,”resource”:”0″,”cache”:”300″,”random”:false,”fetch”:”25″,”showdesc”:false,”desclen”:”0″,”display”:”thumbnail”,”privacy”:””,”class”:””,”username”:””,”vanity”:”techfreshness1″,”link_to”:”2″,”titlebelow”:false,”responsive”:””,”no_thumb_title”:false,”modestbranding”:false}
thank you so much