I have just installed Contact Form 7 with Flamingo, and generally it’s working great. One minor issue is that in the “Become a member” form that I set up, I decided not to have a [your-subject] field, because I thought it didn’t make sense for a specific-purpose page. Instead, in the “Subject” field of the form’s Mail configuration, I hard-coded a phrase along with the [your-name] field.
That’s working fine, but the problem is that Flamingo seems to assume that a [your-subject] field exists. So the Inbound Message listings for such messages has “[your-subject]” as the Subject.
Is there any way to assign a value to [your-subject] in the form, without making it an editable field that the user sees? Or can you suggest another workaround?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I would like to use Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 to let the sender choose a message subject related to the recipient.
I build something like this:
<label> To Mister [select* Recipients class:select default:get "Orange|[email protected]" "Black|[email protected]" "Green|[email protected]"]</label>
[group Subject_Orange clear_on_hide]
<label> Select a subject for Mister Orange: [select* subject_Orange "Subject Orange 1" "Subject Orange 2" "Subject Orange 3" ]</label>
[group Subject_Black clear_on_hide]
<label> Select a subject for Mister Black: [select* subject_Black "Subject Black 1" "Subject Black 2" "Subject Black 3" ]</label>
[group Subject_Green clear_on_hide]
<label> Select a subject for Mister Green: [select* subject_Green "Subject Green 1" "Subject Green 2" "Subject Green 3" ]</label>
I set the Conditional fields like this:
Show Subject_Orange if Recipients equals Orange
Show Subject_Black if Recipients equals Black
Show Subject_Green if Recipients equals Green
But how can I add in the Object field only the subject selected ?
Is there a way to change the value of [your-subject] with the subject selected ?
Or set a hidden variable with the subject selected ?
Best Regards
This field can be empty depending on user input. How to correct this?
What can be wrong here?
]]>I have tried disabling all other plugins, along with the default theme, and the results remain the same. I have tried both “redirect methods” offered through the PayPal plugin, and method 1 does not pass along the setting, method 2 doesnt seem to support simplecaptcha.
I am attempting to work with the support for the plugin – but nothing has been solved yet, and I’m in a bit of a time crunch.
Since the contact form in question does not have a ‘subject’ line to it at all, is there some way to have a ‘hidden subject line’ or something that I set what it is in the form design, that is never visible to the end-user or anything?
Cross posting this to the Flamingo support as well.
]]>I have searched and saw a thread where you said you could use the following code on the “Additional Settings” tab of the Contact Form. However, when I have tried this, I still get “[your-subject]” shown in the subject column of the Flamingo Inbound Messages view.
flamingo_subject: "ccccccccccccccc"
Is this code still a viable code to use? Otherwise, is there a way to be able to get a custom subject listed there?
]]>I’ve searched your forums and still have this issue even with the few fixes I found and tried — when emails arrive to my Inbox, [your-name] and [your-subject] are not replaced with the user’s input values. Please see the attached screenshot below. Can you please let me know if there’s something wrong with my code, or how I can fix this issue?
Thanks in advance for your time,
]]>[your-subject] in the Mail Subject field produces a configurator notice while [your subject] does not.
I believe the hyphentated [your-subject] is populated in the field by default. It was present in 3 contact forms on two different sites and we had just activated contactform7.
Should the correct entry for the Mail Subject field be hyphenated or not?
If not, then perhaps an update to contactform7 can put the correct one in the sample forms going forward. ?
Thanks for clarifying.
]]>I’ve been having a problem but can’t find a simple, traightforward answer (I read the Contact Form 7 Docs, but it didn’t help) . I have a contact form using pipes and several different recipients, but whenever we receive e-mails, the subject line reads [your-subject].
Can someone please let me know how to correct this. What (and where) do I put in the “form”, “mail” and “message body” sections?
FYI: Currently, the “mail” set up is like this:
To: [menu-XX]
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-subject]
Additional Headers: Reply-To: [your-email]
Message Body:
From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-subject]
Message Body:
And for some added information, the “form” section is like this:
<p>Your Name (required)
[text* your-name] </p>
<p>Your Email (required)
[email* your-email] </p>
<p>Subject (required)
[select* menu-XX “AAAA|[email protected]” “BBBB|[email protected]” “CCCC|[email protected]”]</p>
<p>Your Message
[textarea your-message] </p>
<p>[submit “Send”]</p>
As an example, I would like “AAAA”, “BBBB” or “CCCC” to be on the subject line of the email. (The same as the sender chose from the drop-down menu.)
Thanks in advance