Directly jump to error number : Line 383
There are some minor errors like closing a div.
So will you fix it in next update?
]]>Bad value for attribute href on element a: Whitespace in query component. Use %20 in place of spaces.
]]><div id="thethe-toggle-1" class="thethe-toggle-group"><h3 class="thethe-toggle-header"><a href="#thethe-togle-content-6775">Title</a></h3><div id="thethe-togle-content-6775" class="thethe-toggle-content"></p>
or these:
<p></div><h3 class="thethe-toggle-header"><a href="#thethe-togle-content-2283">Title</a></h3><div id="thethe-togle-content-2283" class="thethe-toggle-content"></p>
Why there are these paragraphs????
I’ve checked my post html code in WP Dashboard, but it looks right…
I’ve also checked the class.js-toggle.php file but it’s clean…obviously
I don’t understand at all…
So…can anyone help me, please?
<div id="thethe-toggle-1" class="thethe-toggle-group"><h3 class="thethe-toggle-header"><a href="#thethe-togle-content-6775">Title</a></h3><div id="thethe-togle-content-6775" class="thethe-toggle-content"></p>
or these:
<p></div><h3 class="thethe-toggle-header"><a href="#thethe-togle-content-2283">Title</a></h3><div id="thethe-togle-content-2283" class="thethe-toggle-content"></p>
Why there are these paragraphs????
I’ve checked my post html code in WP Dashboard, but it looks right…
I’ve also checked the class.js-toggle.php file but it’s clean…obviously
I don’t understand at all…
So…can anyone help me, please?
]]>its fine when i view it in other browsers, including safari and firefox
can anyone help me how to fix please?
]]>Is there a wordpress plugin to correct embedded flash videos code XHTML conflict?
Should I go in and try to hand code correct the errors?
Or just accept that the blog isn’t XHTML valid due to embedded flash videos code?
]]>My URL is
I’m new to WP, and am having a really hard time.
My blog, displays fine on IE7, but most of the time it wont display at all on Firefox or Opera.
I think this may have something to do with my XHTML Validation coming up with some errors. I’m hoping someone will provide some steps on how to fix it.
When using the Validator tool that comes with WP, I get the following error…
I got the following unexpected response when trying to retrieve <>:
500 Can’t connect to (Bad hostname ‘’)
If you made recent changes to your domain name (DNS) configuration, you may also want to check that your domain records are correct, or ask your hosting company to do so.
I checked my domain, and I have the correct “A” Host settings in place for my Bluehost server. The only other thing I could think of that might be messing with this are the CNAME settings, which I messed with when I used Blogger for a short time (and I don’t have a clue how CNAMES work). My registrar is godaddy if that helps.
Please, please…if someone could suggest a fix, I would greatly appreciate it. Please provide responses in simple terms as I’m new at this.
Thanks you guys!
]]>Don’t know much about code and having trouble working out how to fix these o why they need to be as I thought wordpress was xhtml comp.
Can anybody assist
This page is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
Result: Failed validation, 3 Errors
Validate error pages Verbose Output Clean up Markup with HTML Tidy
Help on the options is available.
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Validation Output: 3 Errors
Line 154, Column 22: document type does not allow element “div” here; assuming missing “li” start-tag .
<div id=’error’>
Line 158, Column 7: document type does not allow element “li” here; missing one of “ul”, “ol”, “menu”, “dir” start-tag .
One possible cause for this message is that you have attempted to put a block-level element (such as “<p>” or “<table>”) inside an inline element (such as ““, “<span>”, or “<font>”).
Line 167, Column 9: end tag for “li” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified .
You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to “self-close” an element, that is, ending it with “/>” instead of “>”.
Line 154, Column 7: start tag was here .
<div id=’error’>