In widget function, for XFBML link creation, height attribute is missing.
Please add that.
I just added this make it work for me.
]]>Any suggestion?
]]>You can see for yourself here Make sure to refresh the page several times as it could randomly work just fine.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
]]>I can’t get the Facebook like button to work on my site. I manually input the code and it didn’t work. I tried numerous plugins, including AddThis, and it didn’t work. I tried uninstalling all other plugins and even changing templates and it still didn’t work.
Basically, the like button shows up on posts sometimes and not other times. And it’s not consistent – sometimes it will show up above the content in one post one minute but not the next time I visit that page.
On plugins that let you choose whether to show it at top or bottom of the post or both, I’ve tried all options. When I choose both, sometimes it will show up at the top but not the bottom, or vice versa.
I’ve done web searches and can’t even find others having this problem. This is a new WordPress installation through Bluehost. My WordPress version is up to date, and so are scripts through Bluehost.
When I try to install the like button using html5, if I watch the page load I’ll see a space appear where the like button should appear, but then the button doesn’t appear and the space for it goes away. If I use XFBML, the space appears and stays there after the page has loaded, but the like button never appears.
I’ve never seen anything like this. And I’m out of ideas. But I need the like button. Help! Thanks.
]]>To get your code to create a Facebook like page for your Facebook site go here first to get your code:
WordPress does not support iframe so use the XFBML code. Copy the code into a text editor for later use and save it. This code can then be pasted into a widget, a page or a posting. Make sure you past it using the HTML tab of your post or page.
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like-box href="" width="292" show_faces="false" border_color="" stream="false" header="true"></fb:like-box>
You can also create a Facebook like button so that people can like your blog page or posting by using similar code:
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" width="180" show_faces="false" action="like" font=""></fb:like>
NOTE that the first code uses the Facebook web site address and the second one uses your WordPress web site address. I hope this helps.
]]>FYI, I’m using “Facebook Like Button for Dummies” plugin, and this plugin uses XFBML (no option for iframe) by default.
Thank you for your advice.
]]>I’ve spent basically all day trying to get a facebook like icon to work with allowing for comments (using the xfbml). It seems the problem I was having in getting it to work was your SFC core (I also had your SFC comments feature enabled). Only by disabling the core does it work.
I followed setting it up as described:
and also tried this approach:
The problem with these techniques to enable the like button using xfbml, as opposed to the iframe version which gives no comment box, is that something in your sfc-base is interferring. In Google Chrome I get no like button while your sfc-base is enabled. In IE8 I get nothing either, but many times I’ll get a “out of memory” popup error (always saying line 10). Again, all of these problems instantly disappear and my like button works well enough once the sfc-base and associated items are disabled, but the base is the problem I think.
I’m happy I found the cause, but sad that I cannot use your facebook connect feature for comments, unless this is a quick fix or you have some suggestions?
When you vist my site at you’ll notice that theres a single line of code at the top left of the browser that reads as follows:
Now if you view the source of the page you can see that I’ve declared that line of code already within the header.php of my template, with the appropriate tags and for whatever reasons the code is being repeated after a short gap without the syntax:
<html xmlns=""
The code itself has something to do with Facebooks’s open graph protocol and was added as per the directions of a wordpress plug-in (I’ve had little luck getting advice from them so far). It lets me use XFBML tag (which requires the new JavaScript SDK via FB) and XFBML tags are peppered all over the site. Stranger still is that the single line of code disappears if you log in as a registered user of the site and the problem goes away. Even if I deactivate the plugin and remove the additional code from the header.php that the plugin asked me to add, the line still shows up when your logged out and still disappears when your logged in.
I think the problem has more to do with Facebook and the plugin then wordpress, but I thought I’d ask you guys as well just to see if there’s a simple solution or if you have any ideas what to do. I’ve checked as many .php documents I could think of and none of them seem to have the code added in their.