I do a gaming site and am open to networking with fellow wordpress users
]]>I am running a video gaming site and have done so for coming up to 8 months. Just recently moved to my site now at www.totalrevue.com and would like some feedback in what you think. Please support us by liking our facebook page via the widget and get involved.
*note still reformatting older posts so bare with me.
Great to know what you think
Site is www.lostninja.co.za/blog
Ideas are wlecome all the time.
]]>Just recently setup a new WordPress-based website!
Modern Geeks, is for just that; geeks. But by geeks I do mean it very light-heartedly, so try not to be offended – okay!?
If your interested in the latest computer hardware; processors, graphics card, memory, hard drives, sound cards, etc — or the newest technology; little gadgets and gizmos, mobile phones – maybe the iPhone in particular? Although I like to call it the iBrick, hate the bastard thing. Or the latest gaming news for the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii or the PC then this is a brand spankin’ new little news source for you! Hopefully the best impulse idea I’ve ever actually gone ahead and made..!
Here is the link;
Any input is appreciated!
Kind Regards,
This is my first blog attempt, let me know what you think.
]]>Make sure you sign up for the forums!
]]>Please could you check it out and leave any comments in the posts and contact me @ [email protected]
thank you
Creator of YNFVGB.com
Your New Favorite Video Game Blog