I am running an Amazon Affiliate website with multi Amazon region partners. The problem is that I have is that I am using the Read more button with Wzone on on my product’s page and the button is not linking to the right country when the visitor select a radio button on my products page! The only way to choose the right country is by clicking on the country name then the visitor will be directed to the desired Amazon store, which it could be not predictable by the visitor! Is there an easy way to fix that? Also, for your information, I have first contacted the Wzone plugin support and the WooCommerce support and both of them adviced me to contact the “Read more” button plugin support for that issue.
Can we use WooSwatches for the amazon variations? Or do we have to buy your plugin.
]]>Warning: max(): Array must contain at least one element in /home/customer/www/bunker41.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woozone/modules/synchronization/init.php on line 789
Any solution to this would be appreciated
I have an Amazon affiliate website. I have products from Amazon on it.
The problem is that the Woocommerce sorting function is not working.
Basically, I need sorting by price function to work.
I am using the ReHUB theme and I imported products using the Wzone plugin.
Your help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Note: I’m not looking at the full WooZone bundle.
I’m using:
WP 5.0.2
OceanWP 1.5.32
2. Also, how does this plugin work with multiple purchases?
]]>Amazon says:
Registration for the Product Advertising API is only available to Associates that have been reviewed and received final acceptance in to the Associates Program.
You can request an exception for approval by completing the Contact Us form and providing details about why you require an exception to access PA API. Your request will be reviewed by a specialist and you will receive a response within 3-4 days. If you currently have access to PA API, please ignore this message.
Plugin: WZone – Lite Version
Button : Check Amazon AWS Keys
Response of the query
]]>** Country: Worldwide
Amazon Error: 1 – SOAP Fault: (faultcode: aws:Client.AWS.InvalidAccount, faultstring: Your AccessKey Id is not registered for Product Advertising API. Please use the AccessKey Id obtained after registering at https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/assoc_credentials/home.)
WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates was not able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS Key Pair and Associate ID. Please triple-check your AWS Keys and Associate ID.