On ipads (some) it shows a background image that is not meant to be there and shows the wrong images for the post. I can’t see in on my machine but the owner can on her 2 ipads.
I’ve removed the css that displays the background image in the html tag but it still seemed to happen for her.
I have of course checked it on a proxy server to see what the rest of the world can see but she says she has had people complain.
The one thing I know happened is, the featured images for the artists were deleted, then re-uploaded many many many times so that they would show in facebook (grrrr).
I’ve deactivated Yoast and social to remove the opengraph stuff which could be the issue.
I’m at a loss as I can’t see any issues to begin the fix
It’s worth adding, I did not set the fixed image that now Google plus uses as og image anywhere and that everything is still working fine as to Facebool and Linkedin sharing.
I’m using wordpress 4.1.5 (still not updated to 4.2.2 because I am waitng for all my plugins update to that version), with All in one CEO, as stated above.
No way to handle that situation. Any idea would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
1) Post 1 created with Featured image.
2) Publicise sends to FB and G+
3) Next post 2 is created with featured image.
4) Post 2 publicised to FB and G+
5) Post 2 on FB and G+ now shows the wrong image!! is my site
I have had to fix the FB and G+ site pages (as these are so public)
However I have left my own G+ page with the problem so you can see it. HERE
If you look at the post that says “Digger and Snuff: Talking” you will see this is using the image from the post before.
]]>As an example, in my csv upload file, the products featured_image entry is 15_fot_012.jpg but when uploaded it is choosing an image called 96838115_fot_012.jpg which is for another product. (The last 10 digits match the correct file name) It has done this for many of the products which have similar, simpler file names. Where the image file name is more complicated such as 96838115_fot_012.jpg it chooses the correct image. Very strange.
All images have been imported into the the Media Library prior to the csv upload and they are all named correctly, but15_fot_012 is being ignored for 96838115_fot_012 Both files appear when searched for in the WordPress media section, so are registered.
I have just over 10,000 products to upload with just short of 5,000 product images, but can’t go any further until this issue is sorted out.
Any ideas?
]]>This plugin is great, but I am suffering with some bugs:
– When I open the gallery, it is displaying images from other galleries.
– The image order is wrong. I tried change the order on shortcode, but it not worked too.
Can you help me? Thank you.