When adding a post in wordpress, theres a button saying “Add New” which when clicked, will let you add a new post easily. However when im adding a post with magic fields in a custom write panel, the “Add New” button goes to the standard wordpress add post page.
However, if i edit the post, the add new button does exactly what I want it to do and it takes me to the add post for the custom field that im in.
To make more sense, i have made a screenshot showing more details. Heres the screenshot.
Any help would be really appreciated and ill even throw over a little donation if anyone can help me.
Kind Regards,
P.S – I understand the problem but im not so advanced at php to fix this. Ive tried copying code from edit.php to post-new.php and post.php but it didnt work so i really need someone that will help me with the coding rather than just telling me what the problem is as I already have a slight understanding of the issue, i just cant fix it
]]>I am using Platform Pro for my theme and my site is a multi-author site. This theme has a lot of features which I do not want authors to be using because they may basically alter how the site looks like. So I tried to “declutter” the author write panel and tried removing some of the Platform Pro Settings (i.e options to insert ads to their posts and remove page sidebars) using Adminimize but to my surprise Adminimize is not listing these features to be removed.
(Basically, I’d like the author write panel to be just a simple one – “quick press simple” to be exact)
I have tried deactivating and then activating the plugin to somehow “reboot” it to complete its list but still the same. I also tried WP-CMS Post Control but the same result. Can anyone suggest any other workaround (hopefully another plug in). I hate to go through the theme’s editor because it is sooo complicated. Thanks.
]]>There’s just one last thing I’m trying to fix right now – the Leenk.me meta-boxes appear on the post/page write panel. I prefer that it be made invisible as it will only tend to confuse my users. I could customise the write panel, of course. But I haven’t got the skill set just yet to do that.
I’ve tried two solutions: (a) using Adminimize; and (b) via the Screen Options. But neither works because Leenk.me is not visible in both of them anyway (so there is no box to tick).
Any suggestions (ie plugin or simple, and I mean really simple, as I’m not a tech)?
]]>There seems to be a bug when I try to view deleted posts from a single write panel and we have enable the “Hide posts made with Write panels in the edit section in the Post panel” option.
When I’m on a panel and click on “Trash” the link is:
But nothing appears. To view them, we have to add “&filter-posts=1&custom-write-panel-id=N”, for instance:
I don’t think it’s something that critical, but it’s a detail.
]]>I did go to Edit Write Panel for my two MF fields and turned on Categories as a standard field. Changed nothing.
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php $myEvent = get_group('When'); // use the Custom Group name
foreach($myEvent as $event){ ?>
<?php if($event['whichDays'][1] == 'Tues') { ?>
<p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> | <?php echo $event['site'][1] ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<br />
]]>add_filter( 'parse_query', 'sort_calendar_by_date' );
function sort_calendar_by_date($query) {
global $pagenow;
if(is_admin() && $pagenow=='edit.php' && isset($_GET['post_type']) && isset($_GET['post_type'])=='calendar' && $_GET['sortby_d'] =='0' && $_GET['sortby_m'] !='0'){
$query->query_vars['meta_key'] = 'edate_m';
$query->query_vars['meta_value'] = $_GET['sortby_m'];
All working perfect. But if I pressing to page 2, filter are resseting and variable &sortby_m=1 in address line in dissapearing.
How I can implement custom fields filter variable to pagination? Thank you!
]]>I’ve created a custom post type and a custom write panel to go along with it. I followed the example here: https://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2010/08/26/guide-to-wordpress-custom-write-panels/
The problem is that the data is not saving whenever I tried to update the information in the write panel.
Using the exact code from the example and using my own code are giving me the same issue so I was THINKING that it might be an issue with my server.
Here is the code I’ve written:
Inside functions.php
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
Anyone have any ideas? I’ve been messing with this for hours and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.