On this page: https://afoqtpracticetest.com/block-counting/
You can see the intro paragraph which shows a block image and a description about it. When you click “start quiz” you’re taken to the first question which asks about “the following block set.” The image for the block set does not appear. Within the WP back-end I can edit the question and the correct HTML appears to display that block set. The HTML I’m using is:
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-204252" src="https://afoqtpracticetest.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/block_set_A1.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="611" />
You can follow that link to verify that the image exists.
If you view the page source, that <img> tag does not exist in the page source.
Example 2:
On this page: https://afoqtpracticetest.com/table-reading/
The same thing seems to happen. The HTML is stripped out of the question only. You can see that there are dozens of values all run together without any formatting. In the WPAQ back-end, these are nicely formatted in tables as shown in the screen capture below. The answers are obviously formatted in HTML and that works fine…it’s just the questions that do not support HTML.
We have hundreds of questions across five or six sites that we’d love to update to WPAQ but we need the questions themselves to support HTML output.
Has anyone experienced this or found a solution?
]]>Visit: mrmiguelrodriguez.com and ask me for it just posting a message there. It’s completelly free.
Any idea whats causing this or how to fix it.
Its started in last few days. No changes of any sort to my knowledge.
This happens on some posts and not others with wp pro quizes
Any help would be great. While I have gotten this far, I am not a coder by any means.
I have Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG, which didn’t fix it and then I went onto both Safari and firefox and did a diagnosis. They both came back with:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating ‘json.lock’) wpProQuiz_front.js:1953
Below are the lines before 1953 and after:
(Line 1948) plugin.methode.ajax({
action: ‘wp_pro_quiz_check_lock’,
quizId: config.quizId
}, function(json) {
(Line 1953) if(json.lock != undefined) {
quizStatus.isLocked = json.lock.is;
if(json.lock.pre) {
(Line 1958) }
]]>Any help would be great. While I have gotten this far, I am not a coder by any means.
I have Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG, which didn’t fix it and then I went onto both Safari and firefox and did a diagnosis. They both came back with:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating ‘json.lock’) wpProQuiz_front.js:1953
Below are the lines before 1953 and after:
(1948) plugin.methode.ajax({
action: ‘wp_pro_quiz_check_lock’,
quizId: config.quizId
}, function(json) {
(1953) if(json.lock != undefined) {
quizStatus.isLocked = json.lock.is;
if(json.lock.pre) {
(1958) }
WE are using Wp Pro Quiz version 0.34 (We have seen this issue as early as version 0.28). Can you please let us know what the issue might be and how can we resolve this.