I’d like to know if this plugin is compatible with the WPML multi-lingual plugin. The default WP Cloudflare plug in is.
I have 3 domains, each assigned to one language. With one WordPress install, WPML shows the 3 translations depending on the domain the user picks or when he clicks on a “language switcher”.
They are one WordPress installation and the user sees the appropriate extension when he picks another language.
Can you please add the solution in your PHP code, so it is fixed once and for all?
All you have to do is make one line of code WPML-compatible, as you can read here.
It resolves the issue where the existing string “would like to receive exclusive emails with discounts and product information” on the checkout page is not translated, even though the string is already there in WPML strings.
The solution creates a new string, which does show the translations on the front end.
Thank you!
$errors->add('invalidkey', __('Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.'));
$errors->add('invalidkey', __('Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.','all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
*using wpml
]]>Thank you for your plugin. It ‘s great.
I have a compatibility issue with wpml when i use the “Rename Login Page” and the (wp core) function wp_login_form.
In second language the login form cause error 404 either the login credentials are correct either not.
I create a ticket at wpml that you can find here https://wpml.org/forums/topic/login-form-is-not-working-after-changed-wp-admin-slug/
The instructions is:
1) Go to wp-content/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/classes/wp-security-process-renamed-login-page.php
2) Find the following code:
if (function_exists('icl_object_id') && strpos($home_url_with_slug,$login_slug)){
$home_url_with_slug = home_url($login_slug);
function qtranxf_init_language() {}
3) Replace it with the following:
if (function_exists('wpml_object_id') && strpos($home_url_with_slug,$login_slug)){
$home_url_with_slug = home_url($login_slug);
function qtranxf_init_language() {}
Are you going to make any update at the plugin to solve the compatibility issue? Because i don’t want to change theme files and lose updates.
Thanks in advanced.
]]>we are using a pro version of this plugin on a website of our client. In original domain the plugin works like a charm (you can see it on the homepage near footer), but on the translated page of homepage the shortcode is not working – it remains as text [wc_mailchimp_subscribe_discount]. Is it incompatibility with WPML?
]]>Since the last update (version 3.3.3), I am encountering problems with the language switch menù of WPML which now shows the tag ‘span’.
I have tried the update on more websites and they all have the same problem, except one where I have installed the max megamenu plugin. Disabling this plugin, the problem cames back.
Uploading the previous release (version 3.2.3), it works correctly as before.
How could I fix this error?
Thank you
]]>There’s a major issue with WPML:
– The post/page edit screen keeps reloading
– The WPML > String Translation keeps reloading
The issue goes away when de-activating your plugin.
More details: