We have an issue where someone adds the wrong location to a job in our CRM (or wants to change it) and when that job is imported again as an update, the Geocoding is not being run again. Perhaps its the caching of 1 week that is our issue? That’s my guess.
Currently, our manual workaround is going into each job, deleting the location data, saving, adding it back in and saving again – then we get the new Geocoding for that job. This takes a lot of time
Any support on this would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps a hook that changes the cache time.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Your plugin run perfectly on the articles and it’s great.
I’m also using the plugin Wp job manager. I’ve checked the checkbox on the plugin settings to display the social icons. But they don’t display. So i’ve used the shortcode [juiz_sps] but only twitter and linkedin are displayed. What can I do to choose the social icons I need ?
I also tried this shorcode : [juiz_sps buttons=”twitter, linkedin, facebook”] but it doen’t work.
Actually,I would prefer not to use shorcodes, I’m not sure if the client will be able to use it.
Could you help me ?
Thank you.
]]>I have also noticed that I can search expired job postings which I also do not want to happen.
– Darkeghost, Front-End Web Dev
]]>Well i have installed my beautiful new plugin for wordpress and i got the new page style theme draft!
Now i try the search button, to test something like cathegory, places and business to find. What’s happened? Nothing!! Oh my god nothing! What a disaster!
Well, i’ve started to search a solution online, in order to find how to fix the thing and i found the wordpress support page!! Ho my god what a beautiful place!!
Greetings apart, i’ve read the documentation on plugin page and started to understand something on the “wpjobmanager” plugin.
At https://wpjobmanager.com/document/template-overrides/ this page: is described how to override the template process’s pages, in order to setup the customizations.
On the other hand, someone says that is necessary to hook some new functions to set-up the customization.
Well, for the first time i need to:
1) Understand how the Listify send the keywords to the plugin (Listify use a Home template page built in for web-directory);
2) Setup the customization to get the right result to the main page according with the parameters inserted in the search-form from the first page.
Anybody knows how can i get these information?
Thanks a lot
Please let me know how to do it and also let me know what would be the url structure.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’m using the WP Job Manager with the Field Editor plugins to show my clients a file upload field on a form where my clients can upload multiple pictures. However when the pictures together become too large, it times out my server and crashes. Therefore I want to client-side resize them before uploading.
I know that WP Job Manager uses the jquery file upload plugin, and that there are some options available there but it doesn’t work. The upload script is:
/* global job_manager_ajax_file_upload */
jQuery(function($) {
disableImageResize: false,
imageMaxWidth: 1280,
imageMaxHeight: 1280,
imageCrop: false, // Force cropped images
dataType: 'json',
dropZone: $(this),
url: job_manager_ajax_file_upload.ajax_url.toString().replace( '%%endpoint%%', 'upload_file' ),
formData: {
script: true
change: function() {
this.validation_errors = [];
add: function (e, data) {
var $file_field = $( this );
var $form = $file_field.closest( 'form' );
var $uploaded_files = $file_field.parent().find('.job-manager-uploaded-files');
var uploadErrors = [];
var fileLimitLeft = false;
var fileLimit = parseInt( $file_field.data( 'file_limit' ), 10 );
if ( typeof $file_field.data( 'file_limit_left' ) !== 'undefined' ) {
fileLimitLeft = parseInt( $file_field.data( 'file_limit_left' ), 10 );
} else if ( typeof fileLimit !== 'undefined' ) {
var currentFiles = parseInt( $uploaded_files.children( '.job-manager-uploaded-file' ).length, 10);
fileLimitLeft = fileLimit - currentFiles;
$file_field.data( 'file_limit_left', fileLimitLeft );
if ( false !== fileLimitLeft && fileLimitLeft <= 0 ) {
var message = 'Exceeded upload limit';
if( $file_field.data( 'file_limit_message' ) ) {
message = $file_field.data( 'file_limit_message' );
} else if ( typeof job_manager_job_submission !== 'undefined' ) {
message = job_manager_job_submission.i18n_over_upload_limit;
message = message.replace( '%d', fileLimit );
uploadErrors.push( message );
// Validate type
var allowed_types = $(this).data('file_types');
if ( allowed_types ) {
var acceptFileTypes = new RegExp( '(\.|\/)(' + allowed_types + ')$', 'i' );
if ( data.originalFiles[0].name.length && ! acceptFileTypes.test( data.originalFiles[0].name ) ) {
uploadErrors.push( job_manager_ajax_file_upload.i18n_invalid_file_type + ' ' + allowed_types );
if ( uploadErrors.length > 0 ) {
this.validation_errors = this.validation_errors.concat( uploadErrors );
} else {
if ( false !== fileLimitLeft ) {
$file_field.data( 'file_limit_left', fileLimitLeft - 1 );
$form.find(':input[type="submit"]').attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
data.context = $('<progress value="" max="100"></progress>').appendTo( $uploaded_files );
progress: function (e, data) {
var progress = parseInt( data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10 );
data.context.val( progress );
fail: function (e, data) {
var $file_field = $( this );
var $form = $file_field.closest( 'form' );
if ( data.errorThrown ) {
window.alert( data.errorThrown );
$form.find(':input[type="submit"]').removeAttr( 'disabled' );
$file_field.trigger( 'update_status' );
done: function (e, data) {
var $file_field = $( this );
var $form = $file_field.closest( 'form' );
var $uploaded_files = $file_field.parent().find('.job-manager-uploaded-files');
var multiple = $file_field.attr( 'multiple' ) ? 1 : 0;
var image_types = [ 'jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'jpe' ];
// Handle JSON errors when success is false
if( typeof data.result.success !== 'undefined' && ! data.result.success ){
this.validation_errors.push( data.result.data );
$.each(data.result.files, function(index, file) {
if ( file.error ) {
this.validation_errors.push( file.error );
} else {
var html;
if ( $.inArray( file.extension, image_types ) >= 0 ) {
html = $.parseHTML( job_manager_ajax_file_upload.js_field_html_img );
$( html ).find('.job-manager-uploaded-file-preview img').attr( 'src', file.url );
} else {
html = $.parseHTML( job_manager_ajax_file_upload.js_field_html );
$( html ).find('.job-manager-uploaded-file-name code').text( file.name );
$( html ).find('.input-text').val( file.url );
$( html ).find('.input-text').attr( 'name', 'current_' + $file_field.attr( 'name' ) );
if ( multiple ) {
$uploaded_files.append( html );
} else {
$uploaded_files.html( html );
if ( this.validation_errors.length > 0 ) {
this.validation_errors = this.validation_errors.filter( function( value, index, self ) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
} );
window.alert( this.validation_errors.join( '\n' ) );
$form.find(':input[type="submit"]').removeAttr( 'disabled' );
$file_field.trigger( 'update_status' );
Thanks in advance for the help!