Use case: I want to create a user using the elementor pro form which includes mandatory fields for creating a user plus name, last name role/profile and one custom field created with ACF (dni).
The issue: With this piece of PHP code the user registration (wp_create_user) works perfectly however the second part (wp_update_user) doesn’t do anything. No data is updated but there is not error neither.
This is the code:
add_action( 'elementor_pro/forms/new_record', 'thewpchannel_elementor_form_create_new_user' , 10, 2 );
function thewpchannel_elementor_form_create_new_user($record,$ajax_handler)
$form_name = $record->get_form_settings('form_name');
//Check that the form is the "create new user form" if not - stop and return;
if ('Create New User' !== $form_name) {
$form_data = $record->get_formatted_data();
$username=$form_data['Username']; //Get the value of the input with the label "User Name"
$password = $form_data['Password']; //Get the value of the input with the label "Password"
$email=$form_data['Email']; //Get the value of the input with the label "Email"
$user = wp_create_user($username,$password,$email); // Create a new user, on success return the user_id no failure return an error object
if (is_wp_error($user)){ // if there was an error creating a new user
$ajax_handler->add_error_message("Failed to create new user: ".$user->get_error_message()); //add the message
$ajax_handler->is_success = false;
$first_name=$form_data["First Name"]; //Get the value of the input with the label "First Name"
$last_name=$form_data["Last Name"]; //Get the value of the input with the label "Last Name"
$dni=$form_data["dni"]; //Get the value of the input with the label "dni"
$perfil=$form_data["perfil"]; //Get the value of the input with the label "perfil"
$update = wp_update_user(array("ID"=>$user,"first_name"=>$first_name,"last_name"=>$last_name,"role"=>$perfil,"dni_cif_socio"=>$dni)); // Update the user with the first name and last name and dni and profile
// OLD $update = wp_update_user(array("ID"=>$user,"user_pass"=>$password,"first_name"=>$first_name,"last_name"=>$last_name)); // Update the user with the first name and last name
if (is_wp_error($update)){ // if there was an error updating user
$ajax_handler->add_error_message("Failed to update user: ".$update->get_error_message()); //add the message
$ajax_handler->is_success = false;
Thank you in advance,
]]>Something like the core wp_create_user() function and wp_update_post()? We have a bunch of author names stored as custom fields, and I’d like to migrate them to co-authors.
we have user registration functionality:
if ( ! $user_id && email_exists( $user_info->user_email ) == false ) {
// Does not have an account... Register and then log the user in
$random_password = wp_generate_password( $length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false );
$user_id = wp_create_user( $user_info->user_login, $random_password, $user_info->user_email );
For my use case I would like to disable user registration and allow signing in only those users who already exists in website.
Can we have an option in administration panel to toggle user registration on/off?
]]>$status = wp_create_user($username, $random_password, $email);'
//I tried to use this code after the wp_create_user function
'$creds = array();
$creds["user_login"] = $username;
$creds["user_password"] = $random_password;
$creds["remember"] = true;
$user = wp_signon( $creds, false );
$userID = $user->ID;
wp_set_current_user( $userID, $username );
wp_set_auth_cookie( $userID, true, false );
do_action( "wp_login", $username );
echo is_user_logged_in();
it shows is_user_logged_in as “1”
as soon as I click on another page the user is not logged in.
how can I log a user in right after creating them? and stay logged in?
This is making me tear my hair out
thanks for any advise.
]]>i was wondering if its possible to add new users with a url string?
for example:
link:[email protected]
some how i would need to parse this and insert it into the wordpress add user function.
wp: <?php wp_create_user( $username, $password, $email ); ?>
any ideas? possible?
]]>$user_id = wp_create_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['theemail']);
This creates a user as expected, but the email is not being stored. I’ve tried replacing $_POST[‘theemail’] with a static string rather than the variable to test, and still, user is created, but without an email address.
Am I overlooking something or could this be a bug with the latest upgrade?
]]>I’ve tried to add next things in my theme’s function.php :
add_action('wp_create_user', 'myfunc', 1, 3);
function myfunc($sanitized_user_login, $user_pass, $user_email) {
…but that doesn’t help (
]]>Even if i include these files:
if I call the function wp_create_user in this way:
$unsafeEmail = $_POST['email'];
$unsafeNome = $_POST['nomeut'];
$safeEmail = mysql_real_escape_string($unsafeEmail);
$safeNome = mysql_real_escape_string($unsafeNome);
$safePassword =$_POST['passut'];
wp_create_user($safeNome, $safePassword, $safeEmail);
it has no effect.
And if I try with this:
$unsafeEmail = $_POST['email'];
$unsafeNome = $_POST['nomeut'];
$safeEmail = mysql_real_escape_string($unsafeEmail);
$safeNome = mysql_real_escape_string($unsafeNome);
$safePassword =$_POST['passut'];
$user = array(
it has no effect.
What I have to include or what is wrong in my code?
Thanks for the replies =)
AMU is using wp_create_user instead of wp_insert_user. When wp_create_user is called, the default role is used instead of the role specified for each user, and my user_register hook(that depends on a specific user role) fails.
I was able to work around this limitation by changing add-multiple-users/functions/commonfn.php:
//passes all checks, create new user
} else {
//$addnewuser = wp_create_user($this->user_login, $this->user_pass, $this->user_email);
$userdata = (array) $this;
onbiz_log('$userdata', $userdata);
$userdata['user_login'] = esc_sql( $userdata['user_login'] );
$userdata['user_email'] = esc_sql( $userdata['user_email'] );
$addnewuser = wp_insert_user($userdata);
It seemed to work.
Is it safe to use wp_insert_user? Is there a reason to use wp_create_user? Can the plugin be changed?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
]]>I’d like to use WordPress core, above WP (so in the directory /dir/, with WP installed at /dir/wp/). My WordPress install is multisite, with directories instead of subdomains. I’ve tried various combinations of requiring WP core files and declaring global vars (wpdb, wp_query, etc), and haven’t found something that works yet. What do I need here?
Bigger picture, in case there’s a better solution: I’m trying to use core to integrate my app’s registration system with WP. I’d like to create a matching WP user using wp_create_user whenever someone signs up with my non-WP app, and update using wp_update_user whenever they update on my app (and vice-versa, call back to my app from WP when someone updates in WP).
Any pointers? Thank you!
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