via ['basedir']
(you already are listing in your CONSTANTS list) to generate your path constants and the ['baseurl']
for your url constants?
then the CSS files are not aggregated.
For example if I add this to wp-config.php
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', '/wp-content');
I get a whole bunch of CSS files which seem to be bypassing Autoptimize:
But if I remove the WP_CONTENT_URL
definition completely the files are aggregated as expected:
The two files not aggregated in this screenshot are marked as exclusions in Autoptimize so the result shown is what I would expect.
Is there any way to get Auotptimize working with relative content URLs?
]]>I am getting the following error on saving when I add a single image to a post. The issue does not occur in adding a gallery to the post. The image is still being saved but the following error appears on saving without any confirmation of success on publishing/updating the post.
Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter in /home/****/wp-content/plugins/photoswipe-masonry/photoswipe-masonry.php on line 264
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/****/wp-content/plugins/photoswipe-masonry/photoswipe-masonry.php:264) in /home/***/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174
I use define(“WP_CONTENT_URL”, “https://static.xxx.com”); and define(“COOKIE_DOMAIN”, “www.xxx.com”); to set up a cookie-free domain. Removing this option solves the issue.
Any help is appriciated.
Thank you for the great plugin.
]]>This is being caused by using WP_CONTENT_URL
in social-widget.php
for composing the plugin URL, a better way to get the plugin URL would be
define('SMW_PLUGINPATH', plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ));
]]>Main site is : w3.example.com
Content URL : w3-static.example.com
Uploads and plugins are in content directory/subdomain.
I have set the following in wp-config.php.
define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/var/www/w3-static.example.com/wp-content' );
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://w3-static.example.com/wp-content' );
define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', '/var/www/w3-static.example.com/wp-content/plugins' );
define( 'WP_PLUGIN_URL', 'https://w3-static.example.com/wp-content/plugins' );
In w3-total-cache/inc/define.php, I added the following code in function w3_filename_to_url just before the last return $url statement:
echo "<!-- w3_filename_to_url " . $filename . " : " . $url . " -->";
In WP W3TC dashboard, i get the following error:
W3 Total Cache error:It appears Minify URL rewriting is not working. Please verify that all configuration files are included in the configuration file (and that you have reloaded / restarted nginx).
When I view the source of the admin page, I get the following comment:
<!– w3_filename_to_url /var/www/w3-static.example.com/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/w3tc_rewrite_test : https://w3.example.com/le.com/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/w3tc_rewrite_test –>
The file ‘/var/www/w3-static.example.com/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/w3tc_rewrite_test’ cannot be found and the URL ‘https://w3.example.com/le.com/wp-content/cache/minify/000000/w3tc_rewrite_test’ is also wrong. Note the ‘le.com’ after example.com.
If I remove the WP_ definition in wp-config.php and move the wp-content directory back to the main site, I do not face such issues.
Can we use W3TC with minify option on a different subdomain? I am not on multisite.
]]>define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/var/www/vhosts/cdn.domain.com/wp-content');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://cdn.domain.com/wp-content');
We have also created a custom TinyMCE button
add_filter('mce_external_plugins', array($this, 'add_tinymce_plugin'));
add_filter('mce_buttons', array($this, 'register_tinymce_button' ));
The button is appearing but fails when clicked. According to console:
Error: Permission denied to access property “tinymce”
tinymce = tinyMCE = parentWin.tinymce;
I believe this is happening because WordPress is being served from https://www.domain.com but the popup is being served from https://cdn.domain.com. It works perfectly without WP_CONTENT_URL and WP_CONTENT_DIR. Please advise.
]]>define('WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/var/www/vhosts/cdn.domain.com/wp-content');
define('WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://cdn.domain.com/wp-content');
We have also created a custom TinyMCE button
add_filter('mce_external_plugins', array($this, 'add_tinymce_plugin'));
add_filter('mce_buttons', array($this, 'register_tinymce_button' ));
The button is appearing but fails when clicked. According to console:
Error: Permission denied to access property “tinymce”
tinymce = tinyMCE = parentWin.tinymce;
I believe this is happening because WordPress is being served from www.domain.com but the popup is being served from https://cdn.domain.com. It works perfectly without WP_CONTENT_URL and WP_CONTENT_DIR. Please advise.
]]>This did not impact all of the other plugins I am using, but Blue Captcha fails to find its ./bg and ./fonts directories.
I took a quick look through the code and while WP_CONTENT_URL is referenced at the top of bluecaptcha.php, it appears to be hard-coded as ./wp-content throughout the file and in the other .php modules in the blue-captcha plugin folder.
A quick symlink from ./wp-content to my new content folder and it works again, so I am pretty sure that is the problem.
I would appreciate it if you could address this, so I don’t have to modify the code myself and end up breaking on the updates. Should be a quick and easy fix for you if I am correct.
Thanks for a great plugin!
]]>1 of the suggestions that the ithemes security plugin suggests is changing the wp-content folders name.
Unfortunately your plugin is currently causing an issue for this. Instead of using the wordpress config to ascertain the name of the wp-content folder you are hard coding this (located in all_in_one_seo_pack.php)
if ( ! defined( ‘WP_CONTENT_URL’ ) )
define( ‘WP_CONTENT_URL’, site_url() . ‘/wp-content’ );
if ( ! defined( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’ ) )
define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘wp-content’ );
It would be ideal for this to change so that you are not using hard coded folder names.
As I am using the ithemes security plugin with 404 protection on it is causing me to be banned from my blog periodically.
]]>So I installed Better WP Security yesterday and renamed my wp-content directory. From what I am able to tell, all of my other plugins have updated accordingly, but CVG is still uploading files to wp-content and saving the galleries to the db with wp-content. I spent 4 hours yesterday searching through the plugin files and did not find any references at all to ‘wp-content’; only WP_CONTENT_URL, which is what it should be using anyway.
The only issue I found that was similar is that WP_CONTENT_URL could be set after the wp-settings.php call, but WPBS set WP_CONTENT_URL in the top of the wp-config.php file to the new directory, so that’s not the issue.
I can manually change things in the db and move the files after the upload and it will work, but obviously I don’t want to do that.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to look for this problem?