I’m an administrator of a server where we host a number of sites, including WP blogs. We’re just moving servers and I’ve noticed one of the tables – wp_commentmeta – of a relatively small blog is 4GB large.
How could this be? He doesn’t seem to have many comments either.
Is there anything I could do to trim the wp_commentmeta of excessive info?
WordPress’ own “Empty Spam” button does appear to clean both wp_commentmeta and wp_comments… so your plugin should emulate that function too.
]]>This table in the website’s database is huge, over 125mb. All the other tables are under 1mb.
I have read that the bloating of this table is caused by the Akismet plugin and there are all manner of hacks attempting to fix the problem. Most of these discussions were several years old though and no longer apply.
I’ve been unable to update my site since this issue maxed out the disk quota. It is therefore important that I am able to reduce the size of the database so that I can once again use the website.
So, I have gone in to phpMyAdmin and cleared the wp_commentmeta table. It now states that the table is empty and 0mb in size but CPanel is telling me that my database is still over 125mb in size. Have I fixed the problem and CPanel is just slow to catch on or is there something I am missing?
All ideas and suggestions are welcomed.
Also, any ideas on how to prevent this issue continuing in future is much appreciated.
wp_comments: 3 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
wp_options: Table is marked as crashed
wp_commentmeta: 3 clients are using or haven’t closed the table properly
As I received some new comments during the day yesterday, I’m guessing that these files were active when the server was unstable and have been corrupted as a result.
I am a very basic level user and have no idea what the implications are. I was suprised to be able to go to my most recent blog post and add a comment without any difficulty, for instance.
Is there something I can do to fix these files? Do they need further fixing?
]]>I have 132 comments on the blog and have Akismet 2.5.9 installed.
Just wondering how I can reduce this as it’s pretty darn big.
]]>At my site https://bowilliams.com/ I started getting “Error establishing a database connection” intermittently a few days ago. Its frequency has increased to the point that that’s what happens most of the time. I can usually get my site to work eventually, but it’s very slow.
I’ve Repaired, and Repaired & Optimized following directions here:
Here are the reported errors:
wp_posts: Size of indexfile is: 11239424 Should be: 11237376
wp_commentmeta: Table ‘wmwmsblo_wrdp1.wp_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist
Originally the WordPress database repair tool reported wp_commentmeta as crashed. I dropped it with PHPMyAdmin and reinstalled WordPress 3.5.2, thinking that would fix it. When it didn’t, I decided I’d better stop doing things I didn’t fully understand and get real help.
The handful of times I’ve had WordPress problems over the years I’ve been able to muddle through, often with the help of this site. This time I give up. Please help me.
Thanks much,
From my searches I realize that Akismet is probably the culprit, but how I can reduce the size of this table and prevent it from happening in the future?
]]>Recently removed WordPress from my site, but now trying to reinstall it from fresh.
All my database details are correct, click run the install but I get to a page that says:
One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired.
I click repaired and get to a page that says this:
One or more database tables are unavailable. To allow WordPress to attempt to repair these tables, press the “Repair Database” button. Repairing can take a while, so please be patient.
Repair Database
WordPress can also attempt to optimize the database. This improves performance in some situations. Repairing and optimizing the database can take a long time and the database will be locked while optimizing.
Repair and Optimize Database
Once I click ‘Repair Database’, I get this error:
The wp_commentmeta table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table ‘cre8tiveedge.wp_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
Failed to repair the wp_commentmeta table. Error: Table ‘cre8tiveedge.wp_commentmeta’ doesn’t exist
Note that everything else is ok
I’ve removed WordPress and tried a fresh install twice now but nothing seems to work. I’ve also looked through other posts and tried their methods but no luck.
This includes opening and editing the schema.php file.
My website is www.cre8tive-edge.co.uk if that’s any help.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Aside from the usual post revisions, optimize and repair, I’ve come across several posts about wp_commentmeta and akismet
I have 10mb of data in wp_commentmeta.
Can anyone confirm that deleting the content here is only deleting Akismet data? And nothing else.
DELETE FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE comment_id NOT IN (SELECT comment_id FROM wp_comments);
(no saving)
DELETE FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE meta_key LIKE ‘%akismet%’;
(10mb saving)
I did this on a trial DB and the size of wp_commentmeta certainly went down to 215kb. A substantial saving of 10MB.
However upon looking at the WP dashboard Akismet still has a record of
Akismet has protected your site from 119,403 spam comments already.
Is this just a simple text file recording the number, or is there still data somewhere? I was under the impression the two sql queries would make this 00.
I don’t need akismet at the moment as I’m using another very successful anti spam tool, so I don’t mind the records being wiped.
No problem if it’s just a record, just looking for confirmation?
Likewise confirmation that deleting wp_commentmeta is not doing damage anywhere else?
All seems fine, just looking to confirm.