]]>I’d like to sort the result page by the actual result. This seems not to be possible right now, but if I have a test which has been done 350 times, I’d like to find out how many times or percent of those got Result A, how many times B etc.
How is this possible? I have limited MySQL skills so I tried reading the DB, but I couldn’t find a listing for results scored and I don’t think the page recalculates all results every time the page loads.
]]>Firstly, thank you for this great plugin which saved me a lot of development!
Now, I need to build an interface where results of a passing could be easily consulted, through a table which will show scores done at each scale of the test. Thus, I need to retrieve :
– scales of the test;
– main data of a passing, like the date (can easily be done through a simple SQL request on the table “t_passings”);
– results of a passing;
in an easily usable/readable way.
I looked at the database relations between the plugin’s tables and it seems possible to create methods from scratch to achieve this. Nevertheless, this would take time and those DIY functions would not be really performant.
So I studied the plugin source code to try to use built-in methods (I’m far away from undertsanding all of it!).
I think that the methods buildResults/buildScales/etc. from the WpTesting_Model_Passing class will provide what I need for my interface (correct me if I’m wrong).
So far I was able to create a passing and associate a test to it (via the populate method). In order to retrieve an existing passing, I then use the setId method (hoping that would populate the passing instance with all its data), but that’s not working.
Could you help me please?
PS: sorry for the long post and possible english mistakes.
]]>Now, I have tried it out and it is a very lovely tool indeed. However, I generally miss the functionality to export individual testscores to excel or other database format. I need every single responders testresult on every single item to be able to calculate a mean raw score and SD on each connected dimension.
So what I wonder if there will be a function to be able to tailor the output in a database file; which data go to which cell and so forth. For this I need to be able to tag each question with a unique code and that code is presented in the same row on the excel file. All the responders will be on the rows with a score on each unique ID.
Is this possible? Will it be implemented? May I contact you for tailor made version?
Best regards