I’m trying to install this plugin, but I obtain ever the same error…
Fatal error: Uncaught Migrate.php(259) : AddExampleTest -
Error executing 'query' with: INSERT INTO wp_tst_scores (answer_id, question_id, scale_id, score_value)
VALUES (151, 1, 155, 1), (151, 2, 157, 1), (151, 3, 155, 1), (151, 4, 157, 1), (153, 5, 155, 1), (151, 6, 159, 1), (151, 7, 157, 1), (151, 8, 155, 1), (151, 9, 157, 1), (151, 10, 155, 1), (151, 11, 157, 1), (153, 12, 159, 1), (151, 13, 155, 1), (151, 14, 157, 1), (153, 15, 155, 1), (151, 16, 157, 1), (151, 17, 155, 1), (153, 18, 159, 1), (151, 19, 157, 1), (153, 20, 155, 1), (151, 21, 157, 1), (151, 22, 155, 1), (151, 23, 157, 1), (151, 24, 159, 1), (151, 25, 155, 1), (151, 26, 157, 1), (151, 27, 155, 1), in /[site's path]/wp-content/plugins/wp-testing/vendor/ruckusing/ruckusing-migrations/lib/Task/Db/Migrate.php on line 259
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I get a blank page when I update a newly made test. This happens when I put in the calculations. Ive tried several times and deleted the plugin and installed it again… I wonder if it is a bug?
]]>Please help,
thanks Suzi
]]>I had an error on my production site.
I’m using WordPress 4.1.1 with Catch Responsive Pro theme.
These are the active plugins:
– Askimet
– Contact Form 7
– Easy Testimonials
– Google Analytics by Yoast
– Google Maps
– Jetpack by WordPress.com
– Mailchimp for WordPress Lite
– Regenerate Thumbnails
– Subtitles
– WordPress SEO
– WP Disable Comments
and, of course,
– WP Testing
There are disabled plugins:
– Site Closed
– Hello Dolly
In my local server (localhost), I’m using:
Wordpress 4.1.1 and Catch Responsive Pro theme.
These are the active plugins:
– Askimet
– Contact Form 7
– Easy Testimonials
– Google Analytics by Yoast
– Google Maps
– Jetpack by WordPress.com
– Mailchimp for WordPress Lite
– Regenerate Thumbnails
– Subtitles
– WordPress SEO
– WP Disable Comments
and, of course,
– WP Testing
There are disabled plugins:
– WP-PageNavi
– Marketing Optimizer for WordPress Plugin
– Hello Dolly
– Google Analytics by Yoast
In my local server I didn’t get any error.
In production server, I can’t add answers to my test. Or, after I had add the answers and click to Save Draft or Publish, they are not saved.
Can u help me, please?
]]>I have downloaded the latest plugin version 0.8.1 and I have some problem with my answers. I added five different answers in backend.
not true
rarely true
sometimes true
mostly true
very true
First, I could only see four of them when I checked my preview in frontend. Now I can only see three of them! Is there a limit to the amount of answers I can have?
What else might be wrong?
Appreciate the help!
I haven’t published the test yet, so I can’t send a link.
]]>I am making a health test where each answer will display a message with recommendations according to it. For example, if the question is “how many times do you eat a day?” and the possible answers are A) Never, B) Sometimes and C) Always, I want all of them to display a different message with a recommendation for each of them like (this could be either while answering the question or in the results page):
For answer A – I recommend you to eat more
For answer B – I recommend that you eat a bit more
For answer C – I recommend that you keep an eye on your diet
So far I haven’t found a plugin with this capability and yours I think is the closest to what I need.
Please tell me if this is possible!
Thank you!
]]>Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /home4/mosaic01/public_html/engagemosaic.com/wp-includes/post.php on line 1151
Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /home4/mosaic01/public_html/engagemosaic.com/wp-includes/post.php on line 1151
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I’m not really sure what this means.
Also, this plug in seems to be crashing my website