register_rest_route('my_plguin/v1/, '/products/check_sale', [
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => function() {
$product_id = 139843;
$product = wc_get_product($product_id);
$sale_price = $product->get_sale_price();
return rest_ensure_response(['sale_price' => $sale_price]);
'permission_callback' => '__return_true',
it returns regular price event if there is a configured one discount for this product
any ideas for this issue?
I have products on my website, and what I want is to restrict the products to go the api.
THis means restrict products that api has access to.
For example I have a product, the client makes an order and if APi has access to it, it will show in the response.
“Warning: array_intersect_key(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, string given in ./wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php on line 1402”
It is a multisite if it could be some help.
I can access to edit and create but this message is giving me some more waiting time when loading the page.
]]>Since the last update, the cache no longer flush automatically.
I have to do it manually for it to work.
I have another site with the same configuration. I have not done the update yet and everything works perfectly.
Thank you
WordPress 4.9.10
PHP 7.3.11
Not sure if this is the right place to report but I thought I would want to let you know as this is important, although niche, issue.
In Woocommerce mobile app API keys are passed via the request URL (not headers) which is not a common practice. Therefore, if you have JWT Authentication for WP REST API plugin installed (which we need to have installed as we’re authenticating remote apps against WordPress), mobile app no longer can work properly.
As passing API keys via URL is not common practice, I surely do hope you’ll implement the necessary change so these two important assets can work together.
]]>I’m looking for a way to create a user from my node app. So far I’ve identified 3 possible ways to do this :
1. Using the wp-rest api , tried a request like so as described in the documentation passing an object for the meta.
"username" : "test2",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "123456",
"meta": {
"messengerId": "11223344"
which failed to create my custom messengerId in wp_usersmeta table.
2. Using a node wrapper for the wp-cli command
However couldn’t identify a way to create a user and meta at the same time. There’s a command to create a user and a command to add meta knowing the id which I wouldn’t know before creating the said user. Need to do both at the same time or store the id from the first command. Not sure how to do this.
3. Most dangerous option. Using node-mysql manually creating the user in the wp_users and wp_usermeta keeping in mind the way wordpress does it when creating the new user and the fields required.
Can anyone chime in on this? Ideally would like to do this using the REST api.
]]>I am relatively new to WordPress and this plugin, but I was wondering how I can make WP-Rest display a specific value for the width of an image on a post.
Currently, it shows this:
<div id=\"attachment_23729\" style=\"width: 477px\" class=\"wp-caption alignnone\"...
Specifically this part: style=\"width: 477px
I want to force WP-rest to show the width as 200px for all post images without changing the actual size on the website.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have tries including the wp-blog-header.php but it doesn’t work outside of the domain, and I have a few sites on there own domain.
Can I use wp-rest api to get current logged in user like dose? I downloaded wp-rest api as a plugin.
What more can I try?
I’m programming in PHP. The information I want to get from wordpress is something like id ,name, email.
// Victor
I’m facing two issues:
-I can’t make it work orderby=meta_value_num with my meta key. I have a custom webservice using “query_posts” default from WordPress like thing “query_posts(‘meta_key=post_views_count&category_name=mapas&orderby=meta_value_num&order=DESC&posts_per_page=-1’ . ‘&paged=’ . $paged);”
And I need to recreate the exactly same thing with WP REST API. There I’m using a custom meta field (“post_view_counts”) and I’m order DESC, orderby=meta_value_num to get the most view post first. Any help using this REST?
-Issue num 2: Now I can see the users information (I’ve comment the lines asking for access)… but I can’t see posts from each user.
The end point “” is giving me “[{“code”:”json_no_route”,”message”:”No route was found matching the URL and request method”}]”
Any fix for that???
Thanks a lot! Hope I can fix this ASAP