Now writing a comment directs to /wp-comments-post.php and a 404 error.
What should I do to troubleshoot to resolve the database issue?
]]>Having a bit of trouble with my wordpress install lately (which can be viewed at
After a post of any sort (comment or new blog post) the page seems to hang for an eternity (about a minute and a half) before refresh.
However if you open a new tab and look for the post or comment it enters the database in a respectable amount of time. Therefore it seems to just be the redirect causing the issue.
Yesterday I disabled all my plugins (listed below) to no improvement.
I’ve yet to try reverting the theme however I did try post a comment in the preview mode and nothing happened (is that normal?).
Any insight on how I could begin to trouble shoot would be greatly appreciated!
Installed Plugins:
-Advanced Excerpt
Deactivate | Settings
-DB Cache
-Executable PHP widget
-Optimize DB
-WP Render Blogroll Links
-WP Security Scan
-WP Super Cache
The Theme I am running is a slightly modified Yadimoo Pro Magazine
]]>If you want to eliminate the comment spam problem you need to eliminate the static wp-comments.php file and generate a unique version of this file for each visitor.
It’s a simple solution to fix the comment system’s Achilles Tendon.
I wish you would please implement this idea at once to stop the comment spam!
]]>I often get a blank wp-comments.php after posting comments on blogs.
Does this mean that Askimet is blocking my ip address or url’s of the website used for linking.
It’s quite annoying since my posts are on topic, adding to the discussion, clearly not automated spam yet on quite a few blogs this seems to happen.
I’ve tried with Chome, IE7, IE6, IE8 and Firefox and it’s not a browser issue.
Askimet is fine if it’s blocking spam but not if it’s blockng free speech / expression!
]]>the blog is located at
the wp-comment.php file during editing looks like this:
and the original file that i uploaded to try and fix the problem looks like this:
If anyone could tell me why why i get a parse error so i can fix it, i would be very greatful.
]]>Thanks in advance!
]]>I am using the theme Fasttrack and it doesn’t have a comments.php and If there really is a wp-comments.php then I can’t find it.. Help?