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  • Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello David (@loano1),

    Yes, we are considering adding support for optimizing WebP images and it would help us a lot if we could understand your use case better. Would you be willing to get in touch with us and give us more details (that might not be publicly shareable) about how you would see this implemented?


    Plugin Author Pedro


    hello @sriom, @vvillell,

    Since we’re not able to reproduce this on our test environments, would it be possible to send us a sample PDF file where the issue is reproduced? If the file in discussion cannot be publicly shared, please write to us here, mentioning this ticket.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @bri,

    The composer.json file simply contain information about the author of the modules used by the Enable Media Replace plugin (modules which are used in other plugins of ours). There is no information sent/received/logged by the plugin through these files.

    The only exchange of “information” is done when using the background removal feature, when the images are sent to the ShortPixel API to have their backgrounds removed. Apart from that, there is nothing else sent/received/logged by the plugin.

    All the best

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello everyone,

    Version 1.0.1 containing the fix for this issue has just been released.

    Thanks for your patience with this!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello and thanks for reporting this!

    Can you please test with the version below by installing it on top of version 1.0.0 and let us know if you still get your logs filled up with that PHP Notice?

    Thanks, I look forward to getting your feedback!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @fixasb,

    yes, the new file does appear on my media library, but so does the old one (it hasn’t therefore been “replaced”, but i don’t know if your plugin is supposed to delete it).

    This is not supposed to happen, because our plugin actually replaces the file, without creating a new item in the Media Library. Most likely there is something interfering with the whole process, otherwise I could not explain such a behavior.

    If it helps, I could give you access to our staging site, let me know what you think is best.

    As you saw already, this is not permitted here, on the public forums. Considering that we are not able to reproduce your issue on our test environments, please contact us mentioning this ticket and we’ll continue the investigation privately. After we find a solution, we’ll be back here to clarify what was the cause of all this.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @fixasb,

    I ran a few tests with Document Library Lite (we don’t have access to the Pro version) and it looks like everything is working fine. What I did was this:

    • I created a new document and uploaded a PDF attached to it
    • It was displayed on the newly created Document Library page on my test website
    • Then I went and changed the PDF file with another one, with a different name and chose the option “Replace the file, use the new file name, and update all links”
    • Then I went to the Document Library and I could download the new document without any issues or errors

    Once again, our plugin does NOT add any redirects following these replacements, because the new files should be available instead of the previous ones.

    I have some additional questions:

    • Can you tell me what was the exact name of the previous documentation file from this URL?
    • Can you also tell me what is the exact name of the new documentation file?
    • Do you see the new documentation file in your Media Library?

    I’m just trying to understand if the replacement has actually been done or not and if the issue is a display issue, rather than a replacement issue.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @fixasb,

    If I understand it correctly, you have replaced the file mentioned above with another one, and on the page from your latest reply, the button “Documentation Commerciale” still points to the old file?

    If this is the issue, can you please tell us how is that file added to the product page? Are you using some sort of page builder, or maybe a plugin to create that button & link? Our plugin searches through the database for the filename, but depending on the way it is stored there (sometimes encoded, serialized, or stored in custom tables, etc.) the search & replace might fail.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hi @madtownlems,

    On 4.1.5, as an Editor (cannot install plugins), I just replaced a Media File, and was immediately presented with this message:

    “Your image has been successfully replaced!
    Did you know that you can also optimize the images on your website to make them load faster?
    Try the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin!”

    Ah, now I understand! The link in the post-replace notification is a simple link that takes the user to our other plugin page here, so it is not a direct install link. But yes, we can remove the link and suggestion for users without plugin install rights. We’ll add that to our to-do list for the next plugin update.


    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @madtownlems,

    Thanks for bringing these points to our attention. Here are the answers:

    1. Unfortunately, in the way the plugin is done now, it would mean quite some work to completely skip the confirmation message. We are more than happy to welcome pull requests with new features on our public GitHub repo, therefore, if you have a better idea about this, feel free to add a PR here:

    2. This check is already in place for some time:

    In short, users without the necessary rights to install plugins won’t even see that sidebar. If you have a situation where that doesn’t work as expected, please let us know.

    If you have any other suggestions, we’re always happy to receive features and improve our plugins, so please send them over.

    Best wishes!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @testcs1041,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’m afraid I don’t understand fully the issue and I have an important question related to Step 2:

    Enable lazy loading for images on the website.

    What kind of lazy-loading have you tried to enable here? Our plugin already has its own lazy-loading mechanism and if you’re trying to enable another lazy-loading functionality, from another plugin or theme, then most likely that will result in a clash with all sorts of issues appearing.

    What would help a lot is to reproduce the issue you’re describing above on a dev/staging site and give us the link, so we can have a closer look and understand the whole situation. Together with that, please also add screenshots with the plugin settings.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @wellshot,

    I’m sorry to hear about this and what you are describing is quite weird. Can you please tell me the following:

    • what is the NGINX tutorial you have used?
    • have you enabled any WebP/AVIF delivery method from our plugin? If yes, which one was it?
    • after spotting the issue, have you reverted back any NGINX settings you have put in place? That might be a cause of the issue persisting after restoring the images.
    • what do you mean when you say “site is showing preloader only”? Can you please attach here a screenshot with the way the site looks?

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello Ingrid,

    Thanks for pointing this out. I believe nowadays the pot files are not even necessary anymore, therefore we’ll remove the outdated files from the repository on the next plugin update. In this way, all strings should show up for translation in the Translate WordPress area.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    hello @truncks,

    In order to do something about your issue we need to be able to reproduce it. And for this we need more details, here are some questions:

    • can you please give us an example from your website with a link to an image that has NOT been replaced by our plugin yet, but was added in a similar way to the ones that you replaced and resulted in errors?
    • when this issue occurs, can you tell us what is the link BEFORE the replacement, and what is the link AFTER the replacement? Or, if it’s easier, what should be the FULL link after replacement?
    • looking at your example link, does it mean that after the replacement the actual filename is missing from the link?
    • are all the images from your site added with the Colibri Page Builder? If not, can you try replacing an image that is NOT added with this builder and tell us if it works as expected?

    Please give us the answers to all the questions above, so we can see if this issue is related to the Colibri Page Builder, or if it’s something else interfering. Thank you!

    Plugin Author Pedro


    Hello @rep1stapp,

    Feel free to get in touch with us about this on our Contact page.

    All the best!

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