I found a thread in this support section of www.remarpro.com which showed up in the results. I read the replies and they all seemed to be written by SuperGeek coders and were way to complicated for me.
I actually figured out a lot easier way to get it done so I thought I’d drop it in here for anyone who might be having similar frustrations with BlueHost trying to hold you hostage! (They’re not actually that bad.)
So, what to do;
1) Log into your BlueHost account as normal.
2) Log into your website via either the “WORDPRESS” button on the BlueHost Homepage:
– OR –
Through the “My Sites” tab and hovering over your website and clicking the “Log into WordPress” button.
3) Then when you are in the WordPress Dashboard for your website, hover your cursor over the “Howdy, {username}” message in the top right hand corner of the page which brings a drop down menu.
4) In the drop down menu click on the “Edit My Profile” selection.
5) Scrolling down that page there is a selection titled, “Account Management”, with a sub-heading, “New Password”, and a button, “Generate Password”. Click the “Generate Password”, button.
6) When you click the “Generate Password”, button…..BE CAREFUL NOT TO CONTINUE. You must copy the generated password and copy it somewhere for safekeeping.
7) Once you have copied that new password and recorded it somewhere safe for future reference, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the, “Update Profile”, button.
AND VIOLA! You can now log in through both BlueHost AND the WordPress Admin page (wp-admin).
]]>I am just assuming the WP version is 4.7.4 because it’s only been a month since I set it up.
]]>ERROR: Las Cookies están bloqueadas o no las soporta tu navegador. Debes habilitar las cookies para usar WordPress.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home4/reikinow/public_html/sanaconreikihoy.com/wp-config.php:1) in /home4/reikinow/public_html/sanaconreikihoy.com/wp-login.php on line 409
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home4/reikinow/public_html/sanaconreikihoy.com/wp-config.php:1) in /home4/reikinow/public_html/sanaconreikihoy.com/wp-login.php on line 42
]]>It is not a password issue. If I enter the wrong password an error message comes up so I know I am communicating with the database. The correct password simply refreshes the pages.
I have cleared my browser history and all my cookies but it did not help. I also lowered my security settings on my browser to the lowest. Although I did not change any settings when this issue started.
I can log in to other sites without a problem so it is isolated to my wp-admin.
Is anyone else having this problem?
]]>thank you for your help.