I think my site broke while an update maybe
the site is : www.AllHinduTemples.com
and This is the error message screenshot
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/allhindu/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4285
Here’s a screen shot of the line 4825 in the functions.php file
Can someone please help. Thanks a ton in advance.
]]>I saw your plugin screenshot and I’d like to use it with my product but before I start I want to be sure it works with wp 3.7.1
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
]]>Is the latest version of the plugin compatible with WP 3.7?
How does it work with Subscribe2? What should the plugin settings should be?
Many Thanks!
]]>Have a client who installed the Amazon Carousel onto a page here:
The code she’s using from Amazon is this:
<SCRIPT charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="https://ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?rt=tf_cw&ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=GB&ID=V20070822%2FGB%2Fsquatwocoacan-21%2F8010%2Ff43918af-93ed-45ae-a83f-6d33855f6929&Operation=GetScriptTemplate"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT><A HREF="https://ws-eu.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?rt=tf_cw&ServiceVersion=20070822&MarketPlace=GB&ID=V20070822%2FGB%2Fsquatwocoacan-21%2F8010%2Ff43918af-93ed-45ae-a83f-6d33855f6929&Operation=NoScript">Amazon.co.uk Widgets</A></NOSCRIPT>
It works in Chrome but skews the mail and phone icon images on the header only on that page. It does not work in Firefox but still skews the images on the header of that page. (You can see the little mail and phone icons on the other pages.
I’ve tried plugin after plugin and I’m obviously missing something because I cannot get this thing to work in Firefox, nor can I stop the images from getting skewed at the top.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The current Knews Pro is giving problems with my WordPress 3.7 installation. When I have your plugin activated I can not use the default WP WYSIWYG editor in posts/pages.
]]>just wanted to ask if anybody tried and user this brilliant plugin in conjunction with WP 3.7?
I’m afraid my site might lose its functionality when doing the update, so feedback/experience would be highly appreviated…
thanks in advance,
]]>Please let me know ASAP cause I’ve to update WP.
Thank you very much.