i used your plugin (in theme JAM Studio), but nothing is showing. Please, what can I do? I used
<?php cbnet_comment_captcha(); ?>
but it’s still same. I have installed Really Simple Captcha plugin and then yours. What’s wrong?
Here is my comment.php:
<?php if ( comments_open() ) : ?>
<div class="formBlog">
<div class="top-cont">
<div class="l"></div>
<div class="r"></div>
Write Comment
<div class="centr-cont">
<div id="events"></div>
<span>Email is not showing.</span>
<div class="cancel-comment-reply">
<?php cancel_comment_reply_link(); ?>
<?php if ( get_option('comment_registration') && !is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
<p>You must be <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url( get_permalink() ); ?>">logged</a>.</p>
<?php else : ?>
<form action="<?php echo get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-comments-post.php" method="post" id="commentform">
<?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
<?php else : ?>
<div class="fl">
<label class="name">
<div class="inp"><input type="text" name="author" id="author" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Name *') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Name *';" value="Name *" size="22" class="text-input" tabindex="1" <?php if ($req) echo "aria-required='true'"; ?> />
<label class="email">
<div class="inp"><input type="text" name="email" id="email" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Email *') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Email *';" value="Email *" size="22" class="text-input" tabindex="2" <?php if ($req) echo "aria-required='true'"; ?> />
<label class="text">
<div class="inp"><input type="text" name="url" id="url" onfocus="if (this.value == 'www') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'www';" value="www" size="22" class="text-input" tabindex="3" />
<?php endif; ?>
<label class="message <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {echo 'long';} ?>">
<div class="inp_txt">
<textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="2" rows="2" tabindex="4" class="comment-input" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Komentá?') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Komentá?';" rows="2" cols="2">Comment</textarea>
<?php comment_id_fields(); ?>
<?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?> </div>
<div class="bot-cont">
<div class="l"></div>
<div class="r"></div>
<div id="if1"></div>
<div class="b-subm"><input name="submit" type="submit" id="send" tabindex="5" value="" class="comment-submit" /></div>
]]>It’s not hard to integrate it and remain backward compatible at the same time. WordPress makes it easy for plugins to do that.
Can we expect this soon?
]]>Can you help me!
Thank you!
]]>Please click here to see the screenshoot ==> https://sdrv.ms/U3Ymwo
Then I tried to click the rotate button, it said “Could not load the preview image. Please reload the page and try again”. I do refresg for more-morer-more time. Please help me with this.
Help me out.
]]>Merhaba Arkada?lar Ufak bir Sorunum var diyemeyecegim lakin sorunum büyük gibi g?rünüyor düzeltebilirim in?allah yard?m?n?z ile
3,5 sürümü güncelledikden sonra ekledim herhangi bir yaz? yada resimler sayfamda g?rünmüyor. Sürüm hatas? m? yoksa ba?ka bir hata m? var yard?mc? olursan?z sevinirim.
]]>We are using WP and a plug-in called DirectoryPress to create a series of local advertising website directories that will be “repeated” for various cities we roll out to. For example, we might have a WP directory website in Dallas, TX… one in Miami, FL… and another in Chicago, IL.
Each local WP directory website will have its own domain name, but I’m trying to figure out the best way to set things up on our server:
OPTION A would be to set them all up under a single domain name and then simply redirect the specific domains to their respective folders. So www.DallasDirectory.com would be forwarded to www.MasterDomain.com/dallas, and www.MiamiDirectory.com would be forwarded to www.MasterDomain.com/maimi, etc.
OPTION B would be to simply physically set up different domain names for each city’s directory. So each city would have their own domain on our server. This would be more akin to the standard way you would set up any regular website.
Here’s why I ask: I’m curious about SEO logistics. If the www.MasterDomain.com served up all the local city directories, would that be better for all-around SEO optimization than if each of the city directories was hosted on its own domain name and there was nothing connecting all the various cities together?
There’s one more consideration. We actually will have two different directories for each city (2 very specialized niche directories), so if we went with Option A from above, the actual URL for each local directory would be a bit longer (not sure it matters)… something like www.MasterDomain.com/directory1/cityname and ../directory2/cityname.
Apologies for the length as I try to explain what I’m asking. But I appreciate any help you can give a WP newbie. I just want to get this right before we start rolling the concept out to a few cities.