I know that this mechanism is now obsolete but there are cases where some code may still use it. So, I have a (probably silly) question about these level_x permissions. If I need to give say, level_7 to a given role, is enabling level_7 alone enough or should I also enable all the levels below ?
When the user fills a form to upgrade their role, the form would be processed on the backend and the user’s role upgrade will be approved
But I don’t want the role upgrade to replace their present roles but rather add to their roles
Is it possible to achieve this with Registration Magik
]]>I have MailPoet version 3.0.0-beta.36.2.0 installed on WordPress 4.8, and it appears that only users with the administrator role can access the MailPoet menus. If I remember rightly the old version of MailPoet did have the option to allow access for users with other roles, so is there any way I can allow users with the Editor role to access the MailPoet menus to send newsletters and view stats?
Many thanks,
I’ve got a question about Users Roles Setting.
Can we add to a person a second role according to the first one, and not according to CAS attributes ?
Exemple :
My website is a community site for my enterprise and its clients.
– All clients should have an Participant Role (it’s a bbpress Role)
– Employees should have an Editor Role and Participant Role
– Few employees will have an Administrator Role to manage the site. They have to have an another role associated : Keymaster (bbpress role)
My question :
Can I specified in Users Roles Settings something like :
– Keymaster|( WordPress Role -EQ “Administrator” )
Other bug :
When I specified several rules, they applicated to all my users, not only those who match conditions.
– Adminitrator |(CAS{prenom} -EQ “Romane”) -AND (CAS{mail} -CONTAINS “Romane.LEGUEDE”)
Only user Romane should be define as Administrator, but when I try a connexion with an anoter account, this user become Admin too.
Any idea ?
Thanks for any help.
]]>Thanks in advance