Die Bedienung ist kinderleicht und alles ist sehr übersichtlich angeordnet. Jede Funktion ist selbsterkl?rend.
Besonders interessant sind die M?glichkeiten, sein Google Analytics, Google Search Console und den Page-Speed-Test zu verbinden.
Ebenfalls sehr informativ ist auch der Sicherheitsalarm, der einen über sch?dliche Plugins und Sicherheitsl?cher informiert.
Wenn auch noch inkrementelle Sicherung, One-Click-Restore und Site-Cloning kommen, was kann man sich dann noch wünschen?
Ein wirklicher Time-Saver und ein Muss wenn man mit WordPress arbeitet.
]]>Thanks a lot for creating this awesome backup and clone plugin.
]]>So I studied and learn WordPress and installed it in a computer using XAMPP and was able to successfully do the job so my next step is to get the backup (backupwordpress app) of the company website and upload it there to see how it works with version 4.8.2 but cannot make it work.
What i did was create a folder (based on the db_name created in XAMPP) in the htdocs folder then copy and paste the wordpress version 4.8.2 and continue with the install process. Next step is copy and paste all the files from the backup (zipped file) in the folder to replace the wordpress files with the backup files. It seems that it didn’t work. Did I missed anything or did I do it wrong?
]]>I know there is a restore feature in the plugin and I haven’t tested it. So, if that workflow works, then good for you. I guess it’s just not for me.
]]>Schnell, stabil, keine Probleme.
]]>I seem to have encountered an issue with my blog, I have been posting quite frequently in the last month however when I woke up this morning everything that I have been doing (ranging from emails to draft posts) has disappeard – it is like my blog has been restored without my knowledge and I have sent out links to big marketing companies who would like to be featured on my blog but there is no new content
I did not have back-up plugins installed to my blog
Please help!
Sincerely appreciate all the suggestions and advice provided.