Before installing Litespeed in my website, I’ve already did the heavy work of optimizing my images (I converted images to Webp and uploaded them on the website).
I was just wondering if I should switch ON or OFF some settings that – I think – won’t work for my images ( Screenshot 1 ). The screenshot shows no image treatment, which is logic since the heavy lifting is done before. But I am not sure if it is good or not from the back-end point of view.
Should I turn OFF the settings ( Screenshot 2 ), such as: Crons, Optimize originals, etc ? . Any good practice or advice for this case? I also concerned about it because I have this Performance error: The scheduled event, litespeed_task_imgoptm_req, is late to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended.
Thank you for your attention and your help?
Recently I saw that using Varnish for big sites that change stock, products, and has many records is not good. Also I disabled Apache and used only Nginx. The result was great.
What do you suggest average from your experience please? Lets share!
]]>We have a dedicated server on which wordpress is installed and we have quite good configuration. The wordpress works fine with the old theme we work with. We decided to revamp the website UI and got a new theme which is Smart Mag. We had installed wordpress on the same server inside a new folder named newsite. There the entire website works fine. But when the same is moved to the root server the mysql load shoots up and brings down the server.
Could you let us know what might be the issue.
]]>Keep rocking!
]]>I have a wordpress installation that I simple created a custom post type.
I have 30 thousands custom post type posts created and published.
The admin panel is very very slow in general. But the custom post in special is extremely slow.
The mysql database has 140MB total space.
I have a dedicated server with 4cores, 8GB RAM and SSD hard drive. Running Linux CentOS 6.5 with Apache and MySQL.
I have played a lot on Apache and mysql config files trying to optimize them but I did not reach any considerably result due to a lack of knowledge from my side.
Could you please help me to reach a solution or guide me to some pathways where I can found a solution my self?
My understanding is that there is a server setup problem. I can not believe that a 140MB database can represent an issue of performance at WordPress.
Please help me!!!!
Thanks in advanced.
One item on the stats puzzles everyone: Apparently, my site is pulling in files from and 91% of the wait time on my domain is related to this: (739.0 kB) (662.6 kB) (565.6 kB)
This is unfortunately all the info I have.
Would anybody know what this relates to? Is it a WP feature or an image or perhaps something related to Jetpack? I am certainly not deliberately pulling in any images from anywhere else.
Thanks everyone
Quick Cache + Autoptimize blows away every other cache system I’ve tested! I was recently running PHP5-APCu + WP-FFPC but using QC on SSD drives, along with Ubuntu Tuned.. It flys.. My set up even smoked the $39.00 WP-Rocket plugin..
I have all of the info on my personal test site,
]]>Is the best location to store photos for a WordPress site on an external storage site like Flickr?
Is it easier to manage an external storage site? Can one create separate folders for each slide show?
What is the maximum amount of photos one should store on WordPress if this can be an issue with performance?
Thank you.
]]>I am using wp_post_insert to insert queries into the database.
*I am tryign to insert all the data using a loop.
Now after 12k entries my script has goe\ne very slow , size of databse has gone upto 600mb , and still i have a log way to go.
My data is in a separate databse , and wp installation is a separate databse.
these are the 3 queries which i am using to insert insert into the databse.
$post_ID=wp_insert_post($my_post, $error_msg);
add_post_meta($post_ID, ‘description’, $desc, true);
add_post_meta($post_ID, ‘keywords’, $tags, true);
Installed , WP Super Cache but my script gives me a error.
What are the ways , by which i could increase the performance of sql queries.
Any suggestions advice would help me a lot.