I activated the plugin on a website and, it suddenly crashed. The template tab is unavailable, it said that the WordPress crashed.
On the email I received the following message
An error of type E_ERROR occurred on line 284 of the file
/home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elex-request-a-quote/src/FormSetting/Models/FormSettings.php. Mesaj eroare: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Elex\RequestAQuote\FormSetting\Models\FormSettings::build() must be of the type array, bool given, called in /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elex-request-a-quote/src/FormSetting/FormSettingController.php on line 48 and defined in /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elex-request-a-quote/src/FormSetting/Models/FormSettings.php:284
Stack trace:
#0 /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elex-request-a-quote/src/FormSetting/FormSettingController.php(48): Elex\RequestAQuote\FormSetting\Models\FormSettings::build(false)
#1 /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elex-request-a-quote/src/TemplateSetting/TemplateController.php(41): Elex\RequestAQuote\FormSetting\FormSettingController::get_settings()
#2 /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): Elex\RequestAQuote\TemplateSetting\TemplateController::load_template(”)
#3 /home/jnopieseutilaje/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348):
The plugin is installed with exactly the same configuration, on a demo site. On the demo site, it works perfectly. I copied everything on the live site and I have the described error.
WordPress 6.5.3
Equipo (versiunea 2.6)
ELEX WooCommerce Request a Quote – Basic (versiunea 2.2.4)
PHP 7.4.33
I also played with the PHP version, I saw no difference.
Can you help me, please? Thank you in advance for cooperation.
]]>Thank you!
It show error;
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting ‘{‘ in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\awesome-support\vendor\ericmann\wp-session-manager\includes\deprecated.php on line 23
How can I get old version 5.5?
]]>Ao instalar e ativar o Mercado Pago ele trava o site após certo tempo.
é necessário reiniciar direto na hospedagem para que o site volte.
Habilitei o log do MP mas n?o consegui localizar dentro dos arquivos do site
]]>This is what greeted me today, ..
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /var/sites/b
Above is a small section that was on the screen, and Xprofile is what did it.
So what follows, is just a heads-up with all that, (this): GDPR nonsense.
This buddypress addon is no longer supported, but as it worked so well, I never came here to see what’s happening.
Xprofile crashed out my site after Buddpress itself updated, and I couldn’t even get onto the Dashboard without a steam of error strings about false calls, or some such thing, as is presented above.
Solution, you’re gonna have to go onto your providers back-end, (or) via: FTP.
– To then rename the Folder (called buddypress-xprofile-custom-fields)
– And it’s under (yoursite) -> wp-content -> plugins .. and it’s there along with all of your other plugins.
Do that, and your back into your Dashboard, as I say: maybe yours is still working, but mine definitely ain’t.
The plugin has been deleted from the WordPress site as well.
– And that’s a shame, cos it was very good, but I think that it captured far to much data gathering techniques for this GDPR nonsense.
I might be wrong, but I will state for the record here: that that Plugin was quite frankly brilliant.
Hope it helps.
Thanks for reading, Jessica: Praise be the ORI.
]]>I’m having a problem with large tables.
We have one state page that has a table with 530 rows. The last time I attempted to edit this table WordPress crashed 4 times on me before I was finally able to complete the update on the 5th try.
I’m not sure about the cause of the crash, besides the size of the table. Or it could be, an overload to WordPress, an overload to TablePress, a slow transfer rate between me and our ISP, or what.
I’ve thought of breaking up the larger tables into smaller ones of say 100 rows or less. But, this would cause problems with sorting by column contents and searching the full state.
The page link is above.
Any thoughts?
]]>I use this plugin on all the other websites I manage but it will not work on the one website I need it most on.
Everytime I try to save edits to a CF7 template WordPress shows me the “Are you sure you want to do this?” page and fails to save. Every single time.
I’ve tried deactivating all the plugins, I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling CF7, I upgraded to Wordpess 4.6 and still nothing is helping.
Any ideas?
]]>I have tried disabling the following installed plugins but it still crashes WP: Custom Facebook Feed, Media Press, Redux Framework, Redux Developer Disabler, Theme4Press, TinyMCE and WPBackup.
BuddyPress was kept active.
Without completely uninstalling all of the above plugins, does anyone know of any incompatiblity issues between these plugins and BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu or if there is a work-around?
Any help would be very much appreciated.