The Site is
I guess I’ll start with information with what I first presumed was the problem…
I have been updating my wordpress blog with all of the recent updates. So my first thought when their was a problem was that it had something to do with the new version of wordpress. So heres a list of things i have already done to troubleshoot this problem.
1. Re-install the current version of wordpress 3.1.3 check site to see if problem is resolved…. still malfunctioning…
2. De-activate plugins individually and check for site funtionality… no change still not working.. (I did leave a few plugins running though, I was afraid by deactivating them I would loose there settings, is this true? the plugins I left running are… sharebar, all-in-one SEO pack, NextGEN Gallery, NextGEN Custom Fields.. )
3.Next I decided to change themes and see if the issue was resolved. I chose the standard twenty ten theme as a basis for my tests seeing as it is updated with wordpress releases. no change… still malfunctioning…
4. Next I Found list of all revised files in new wordpress 3.1.3 update (here they are… Replace all files from list on ftp with versions from previous install of wordpress 3.1.2 downloaded from wordpress release archive ( ) check the site after replacing each individual file to pinpoint problematic file… no change, still malfunctioning…
5. Then I replaced ALL remaining WordPress 3.1.3 files on FTP with ones from the previous version 3.1.2. check site for error resolution… still malfunctioning, no change…
Maybe its not wordpress… Okay maybe its hosting….
I use Godaddy Hosting, I realize I am on a shared server and that overall traffic on a server and other issues such as malicious scripts and ddos attacks on the server can affect my sites functionality with regards to load time… But for several days my sites pages have been loading at a average time of 76 seconds!!!! (The site launched on February 9th and has been serving tens of thousands of unique visitors since without any problems like this. And seemingly overnight page load time went from <1 second to over a minute!! Needless to say I have not made a single sale since this happened.) So naturally I call GoDaddy, and spend a few hours on the phone with their tech support guy who insists that everything on the server is fine but it must be my page thats causing this ridiculous load time, he starts citing how many objects im trying to load and file sizes… These are all the same objects and files that have loaded fine for thousands of people for several months… Its not the objects or the file sizes… anyway this phone call me no where but closer to firing godaddy as my host provider.
I have literally tried everything I can think of for troubleshooting this site.. If anyone can please help me figure this out I would be incredibly appreciative. This is my livelihood and if i cant convert sales then i cant make rent or eat so this is of the utmost importance to solve immediately… Hopefully its simple…
]]>What’s going on?
]]>I currently have 3 custom post types.
1) News
2) Projects
3) Services
news and projects pull a page just fine but for some reason, clicking on any of the services gives you a “not found” error. Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? Using WP 3.1.2. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated!!!
add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );
function create_post_type() {
register_post_type( 'News',
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'News'),
'singular_name' => __( 'News' ),
'add_new' => __('Add News Article'),
'add_new_item' => ('Add News Article'),
'menu_name' => ("News")
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 5,
'has_archive' => true,
'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','comments')
register_post_type( 'Projects',
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Projects'),
'singular_name' => __( 'Project' ),
'add_new' => __('Add Project'),
'add_new_item' => ('Add Project'),
'menu_name' => ("Projects")
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 5,
'has_archive' => true,
'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','comments')
register_post_type( 'Services',
'labels' => array(
'name' => __( 'Services'),
'singular_name' => __( 'Service' ),
'add_new' => __('Add Service'),
'add_new_item' => ('Add Service'),
'menu_name' => ("Services")
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 5,
'has_archive' => true,
'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','comments')
]]>1. The new wordpress admin bar is missing.
2. When I am working on a new post, if I try to preview the post, it gives me a 404 error.
I have installed wordpress with Fantastico more than 50 times with no issues. This was my first manual install, did I miss an option somewhere?
Troubleshooting: I have tried just using the default theme, but the problem existed in 2010 as well. I also disabled all of the plugins. Still not showing.
My header call and footer call are correct, and I even tried a re-install with the automatic update option. Grrrrr!
What did I do wrong? How do I fix it?
]]>Not only it is happening with WP 3.1.2 but the same thing is happening with WP 3.0.6 also.
More Details:
I have been upgrading manually using FTP.
I have performed every trick/hack that is available on net e.g disabling plugins, rewritting .htaccess file etc…
I am using (postID/post name) permalink structure..
I again have to go back to my previous version due to permalinks not functioning. My theme is comapatible with WP 3.0
My blog URL is
Problem: The main page or home page is working fine at above URL. But when I visit my post pages with custom permalink structure ( they return 404 page not found error. But it works with default permalink structure(
]]>This is a little disaster, and I thought that upgrading WP shouldn’t affect the wp-content folder.
Is this right? Have I done something wrong? Is it possible to recover the previous twentyten directory with my modifications?