I am attempting to import all of the old posts into WordPress. I’ve done a good amount of research both on the forums/codex here, as well as elsewhere.
I am using a (now modified) version of this SQL query (renamed the databases):
# this assumes that both wordpress and drupal are in separate databases. The wordpress database is called "wordpress" and the Drupal database is called "drupal"
# based on scripts from:
# https://www.darcynorman.net/2007/05/15/how-to-migrate-from-drupal-5-to-wordpress-2
# https://spindrop.us/2006/05/19/migrating-from-drupal-47-to-wordpress
# https://www.brendanloy.com/2007/02/wordpress-21-upgrade-problems.html
# first, nuke previous content in wordpress database
use wordpress;
delete from wp_terms;
delete from wp_term_taxonomy;
delete from wp_term_relationships;
delete from wp_posts;
delete from wp_postmeta;
delete from wp_comments;
# categories
INSERT INTO wp_terms (term_id, name, slug)
SELECT term_data.tid, name, name
FROM drupal.term_data
where term_data.vid = 2;
INSERT INTO wp_term_taxonomy (term_taxonomy_id, term_id, parent)
select term_data.tid, term_data.tid, parent
from drupal.term_data, drupal.term_hierarchy
where (term_data.tid = term_hierarchy.tid) AND (term_data.vid=2);
# posts
wp_posts (id, post_date, post_content, post_title,
post_excerpt, post_name, post_modified, post_author)
n.nid, FROM_UNIXTIME(created), body, n.title,
REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(LOWER(n.title),' ', '_'),'.', '_'),',', '_'),'+', '_'),
FROM drupal.node n, drupal.node_revisions r
WHERE n.vid = r.vid;
# category --> post relationships
INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships (object_id,term_taxonomy_id) SELECT nid,tid FROM drupal.term_node ;
update wp_term_taxonomy set taxonomy='category';
# category count updating
UPDATE <code>wp_term_taxonomy</code> SET <code>count</code> = (SELECT COUNT(<code>object_id</code>)
FROM <code>wp_term_relationships</code>
WHERE <code>wp_term_taxonomy</code>.<code>term_id</code> = <code>wp_term_relationships</code>.<code>term_taxonomy_id</code>);
# comments
(comment_post_ID, comment_date, comment_content, comment_parent, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url)
nid, FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp),
comment, thread, name, mail, homepage
FROM drupal.comments;
# users
INSERT INTO wp_users
(ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_registered, display_name)
SELECT uid, name, pass, name, mail, FROM_UNIXTIME(created), name
FROM drupal.users WHERE uid>1;
# update comments count on wp_posts table
UPDATE <code>wp_posts</code> SET <code>comment_count</code> = (SELECT COUNT(<code>comment_post_id</code>) FROM <code>wp_comments</code> WHERE <code>wp_posts</code>.<code>id</code> = <code>wp_comments</code>.<code>comment_post_id</code>);
# fix post slugs. first we have to remove the duplicate _____ chars, then replace that with a single - char
UPDATE wp_posts set post_name = REPLACE(post_name, '__', '_');
UPDATE wp_posts set post_name = REPLACE(post_name, '__', '_');
UPDATE wp_posts set post_name = REPLACE(post_name, '__', '_');
UPDATE wp_posts set post_name = REPLACE(post_name, '__', '_');
UPDATE wp_posts set post_name = REPLACE(post_name, '_', '-');
This imported everything except for the categories… All of the categories I had in Drupal are missing from the newly imported posts in WP.
Does anyone know of any changes I could make to the query to get it to import everything cleanly? Or, if not, if there is some easier/more efficient way of doing this?
Any help/advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>As soon as the upgrade was complete, the “post tags” box no longer worked. I could neither type in and add additional tags nor view existing tags by clicking on “Choose from the most used tags in Post Tags.”
Is anyone else having this issue or aware of a way to fix it?
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Aside from style.css
I’ve made no changes to my theme or to any wp files. I’m using WordPress 2.8.1 with the Hybrid Framework and the Skeleton child theme.
I’ve read a number of the related posts about comment problems. I’ve tried the following, but none of these solved the problem:
-Disabling Plugins
-Changing the Discussion Settings
-Changing the Permalinks Settings
-Reverting back to the 2.8 version of wp-comments-post.php
-Commenting on a different post
-Signing in as a different user
Any ideas how to fix this?
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]]>I’m trying to put more information on my About page, but every time that I write and update the page, the new informations disappears.