New Server:
PHP 5.2.17
MySQL 5.5.32
I tried restoring this old db into WordPress 3.5.1. That didn’t work so I tried restoring it into its original WordPress 2.3. It wouldn’t allow that either.
I imagine the problem may be the different version of PHP?
Can anyone please tell me how to restore?
Thank you.
]]>Downloaded, unzipped and replaced the directories I was supposed to replace (according to the quick & easy upgrade instructions). Went to my site to see the wonders of Version 3.
But I only get a blank screen. It killed my site.
Nothing, nada. Just the blank screen
What do I do now?
(I’m a enthusiastic amateur and don’t know much about any programming, so answers will have to be of the kind that a blonde can understand even though I am a brunette)
]]>I think my blog is running wordpress 2.3.
As far as I remember, I haven’t made any edits for the wordpress script apart from installing themes and plugins.
How do I update to 2.5? Do I just overwrite the current files and my themes and plugins will still be okay?
]]>I just updated to 2.3 and noticed that the upload function that you use when writing posts does not work as it did in previous versions. I cannot upload HTML files as I could before. Has anyone had this problem?
]]>I’ve done the obligatory searching through all the relevant posts here and also on Google with no success. I cannot seem to find anything that can instruct me on a import process from Joomla 1.0.13 to the latest WordPress version.
I’ve looked at the article which seems to be the best there is at
I thought that this may fix the issue but it seems to baulk at the database changes that were implemented in Joomla 1.0.13 reporting that it cannot connect to the database
Is there anyone here who has been able to successfully migrate from Joomla 1.013 to the latest WP successfully?
]]>I tried Wasabi but it apparently doesn’t use the Tags as a selection factor.
By any chance do any of the wordpress tags do this?
]]>My queries are this… Is anyone else using it? Do you know which file calls the javascript and where that file is kept?
I need to debug and improve the javascript, I have a constant JavaScript error but no indication as to what is causing it (OBJECT REQUIRED is all I get), with no errors occuring in Firefox (so I can’t use Firebug).
Also there are too many Javascript calls, so I want to install minify.php and load all the Javascript into an array. WP_HEAD seems to be the culprit for calling javascript, but where does WP_HEAD get its info from??
I am a novice, so please respect my idiocy. I am currently reading up on WP_HEAD to see if that will shed any light on my situation….
]]>I am sure there are plenty of articles like this around, but I want this to be as easy to find as possible, I also feel that it spells everything out quite clearly:
WordPress 2.3 makes some significant changes to the way categories are stored, while updating some of my (and other people’s) plugins I found the following terms should be replaced:
$wpdb->categories is replaced by $wpdb->terms
$wpdb->post2cat is replaced by $wpdb->term_relationships
$wpdb->post2cat.post_id is replaced by $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id
$wpdb->post2cat.category_id is replaced by $wpdb->term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id
$wpdb->categories.cat_ID is replaced by $wpdb->terms.term_id
wp_terms now contains all the category (read: taxonomy) names and IDs.
wp_term_taxonomy contains the term (read category) ID, a description of what type it is (category, link_category, etc), the description and the number of posts/links in that taxonomy.
wp_term_relationships contains a lookup of an object_id (read: post ID, link ID, etc) and a term taxonomy ID (from the term_taxonomy table, which relates back to the category).
Other refs to look out for are (especially when they are used OUT of the above context):
cat_ID –> term_ID
categories –> terms
cat_name –> name
Partly this is to remind me, partly for anyone else who wants to know.