On my website there is spacing issue between conman word and linked word
Here is
Please Let me know how can i fix the issue
]]>I’m having a bit of trouble getting post titles to display properly on my blog homepage. In the add post page, I input the title as I’d like it appear on my blog homepage however when I log onto the homepage there isn’t enough spacing between the words. eg.
I’m not completely sure what the problem is, and I’d really appreciate any help, is there a way to add more spaces between words etc?
I’m pretty new to WordPress (about a month) so any help in solving this would be so helpful!
]]>Font Family
Font Color
Font Weight
Line Height
Word Spacing blah blah blah…
without manual editing of style.css file?
If not then can anyone tell me how can I customize my worpress site posts Font family, color, weight, height, line spacing and word spacing?
Any full or partial help will be highly appreciated.
]]>When I add more than one space between words the actual number of spaces inconsistently changes when I Preview and when I go back to the Visual editor, the inconsistency is now there.
For example:
One Red
Six Items Blue
Newspapers Green
Ends up as:
One Red
Six Items Blue
Newspapers Green
Has anyone else ended up with this unwanted change of spacing?
]]>I write a blog on life as a French expat in London, I give tips on how to get settled here, get a flat that sort of thing and also write about cultural things to do here, local things and places to go etc.
I am trying to make my site looks nicer and I have two issues:
1)Does anyone know if I can alter the fact that on my homepage, when you look at the extracts of my posts, the text under the thumbnail images abruptly stops after one word on the last line before the “Continue Reading” link? I don’t know if this is something I can change and where to change it. Is it a width issue, a number of words issue?
2)I am having the hardest time to make these bits of text look good. I know loads of people think against justifying text but I don’t like at all those unordered pyramid steps that unjustified text gets on one of its sides. What I did is mess with the word-spacing (-0.3) and I know it does look a bit weird so if you have any advice on code that can make my justified text look better, I’d love to try out your suggestions.
Thank you so much to anyone who is willing to help!
]]>Here is an example of the problem. To see photo placement scroll down: https://theoutdoorchild.com/5-great-reasons-to-day-hike-with-kids-in-autumn
Thank you in advance! Your help is much appreciated!!
]]>To clarify, the problem is there are line breaks in the middle of words, i.e :
hing li
ke this
But only for the Japanese text
Can anyone give me any pointers on what I can do to solve this?
Thanks a lot
Also when editing posts (in visual editor) such as the example, return does not take me to the next line unless I put a space after the last word. Then when I press update I get double paragraph spacing and have to go back and fix it. This is worse when working next to an image.
]]>Currently, no matter how many times I press ‘spacebar’ between words, only one space shows when updating post/page. I’m looking to add 5+spaces (as if hitting ‘tab’ bar in MSWord).
Thank you in advance.