I can embed the video using the YouTube Optimized Preset and it looks OK on the page, but when I click the “Play” button, nothing happens. The player just halts. All I see is a YouTube play button on a black background with a YouTube logo in the bottom-right corner but nothing is clickable.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here. I turned off the performance toggles, disabled WP Optimize, and even tried turning of Jetpack but nothing fixed it. I haven’t tried embedding a different video type since all I care about is basically YouTube. I use mainly Chrome and tried Edge but that didn’t work either.
I’m running WP 6.0.2 with Astra. Presto Player is 1.9.14.
]]>I’m pretty sure the theme (uDesign) uses featured image, and should be set up for it. I think the featured images use PrettyPhoto, not sure if that’s an issue or not. Otherwise, I’m at a loss.
Here’s my site. The post at the top of the page is supposed to be a video, but it only displays the youtube thumbnail, no player controls. Any thoughts?
Morgan K
]]>Another of the many bugs wordpress has which make it virtually unusable.
]]>I am attempting to deactivate because your plugin is blocking users from playing videos. Click the video on this page: https://mikefieldsbronzes.com/portfolio_page/swan-modern-sculpture/
this one:
this one
I listed several to ensure it was reproducible.
The video will not work until a user refreshes the browser.
Please help with these issues!
]]>But I’m having some issues with the new Lazyload mode when I show a Vimeo video. After clicking the thumbnail it looks like it’s trying to play, but nothing happens. I have to click Pause, wait, then Play again in order for it to work.
YouTube videos are a 2 step process (correct?). I click the thumbnails, the video loads and shows the normal play button, click that to play.
I’m testing on a Nexus 7. iPad seems to be OK. Both tested on same home wifi network.
]]>I have spent hours trying different types of encoding, from uploading file manually to server, uploading file to media library and trying to use an extern URL.
Nothing happens, the video just loops in Firefox. Then I tried using your default video – nothing changed – still looping.
I thought… Maybe it’s Firefox? So I opened the blog/post in Chrome – and there it goes… plays without a second delay.
Can you help me figuring out how to get the video player working in all browsers as I am working on this blog for a client
The blog is “Coming Soon” protected – so let me know how I can give you a username and a password – your eyes only…
Link to blog: https://michaelwith.com/blog/
Link to (non-)functional video: https://michaelwith.com/blog/video-true-colors/ (both works in chrome, none works in firefox)
Best Regards from Denmark
Chanett Kolds?
]]>Info about the file:
I uploaded the video via FTP and then put it into the WP Media Library via the Add From Server plugin.
Steps I have taken to correct the issue:
Deleted the post, added new post.
Deleted the file from the media library, reuploaded.
Re-generated file (converted from the original AVI) and then uploaded the new version.
Nothing has worked. Can you help?