Is there any support for Wistia? Why or why not?
]]>So I′m setting up a membership site using memberpress to give access to exercise and diet videos hosted in Wistia.
I′m using all-in-one-video gallery plugin to embed each video into a separate page (I have to use fall-back/iFrame embeds because for some reason the standard embed doesn′t work with my wistia hosted videos). This plugin allows me to show a gallery of all my videos on the website, but then, with the protected content rules, set up using memberpress, only paying members have access to all of the content.
So my issue is really on the SEO side of things. I understand that the protected content will not be “found” by Google etc as it is login protected, but will the iframe embeds of the content that is accessible to all visitors provide SEO information to the bots as well?
I have contacted Wistia and they just suggest using the standard embed with the J-SON-LD SEO info injected, but this doesn′t seem to be compatible with All-in-one-video gallery, who suggested contacting Wistia when I asked them for help.
Any help with this matter would be gratefully appreciated. TIA
]]>Thank you.
]]>Kind regards,
We use OEmbed in WordPress, simply pasting the Wistia URL in the editor. This shows the video properly in the WordPress article, but the AMP page does not show the video. The relevant script and AMP elements are not added to the page.
How can we make Wistia videos work on AMP pages?
Question is:
What is this file for? What does it do? (Is it a virus? a privacy invading javascript?)
Is it necessary to run the plugin? (so far the plugin runs fine without it, am I missing something?)
How bad is this for the functionality and security of my Site?
I have a Content-Security Policy in place to prevent fetching from external resources that I do not know of or approve of. So I understand why this is being blocked. but I’m wondering whether it is better to unblock it.
Error: As shown on Query Monitor Plugin:
PHP errors were triggered during an Ajax request.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “”. post.php:2823:1
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at (“script-src”).
PHP Errors in Ajax Response query-monitor.js:316:13
component: “Plugin: wp-asset-clean-up
“?file: “wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up/templates/meta-box-loaded-assets/_asset-script-rows.php”
?line: 21?
message: “in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given”?
stack: (4) […]??
0: “in_array()”
??1: “WpAssetCleanUp\\Main->parseTemplate()”??
2: “WpAssetCleanUp\\Main->ajaxGetJsonListCallback()”??
3: “do_action(‘wp_ajax_wpassetcleanup_get_loaded_assets’)”
??length: 4
??<prototype>: Array []?
type: “warning”?
<prototype>: {…}??
__defineGetter__: function __defineGetter__()
??__defineSetter__: function __defineSetter__()
??__lookupGetter__: function __lookupGetter__()??
__lookupSetter__: function __lookupSetter__()??
__proto__: ??
constructor: function Object()??
hasOwnProperty: function
isPrototypeOf: function
propertyIsEnumerable: function
??toLocaleString: function toLocaleString()
??toString: function toString()??
valueOf: function valueOf()??
<get __proto__()>: function __proto__()??
<set __proto__()>: function __proto__() query-monitor.js:324:14
jQuery 6