What if I wanted only the ribbon button to open in a new window/tab?
Please advise a solution
]]>The script on the page is obvisouly added in the page content via the CSS & JavaScript Toolbox plug in. It is not opening a new, separate window, but resizing the initial window.
if I add target=”_blank” to the a href, it will not resize the new windoiw per the parameters in the script.
I would appreciate any help.
]]>Is it possible to open another window(E.g www.google.com)upon loading of another page?
Right now, I have a form to capture users details, after completion of the fields, he will be directed to a “Thank you” page.(*Done till this step at the moment)
I wanted to open up another window to direct him to the forex website to open his account, how do I go about doing this?
Looking forward to hearing from you all, CHEERS!
Best Regards,
Hi there, // hallo zusammen,
I want to call a JavaScript:window.open() under certain circumstances on an admin page in a plugin. Therefore, I use the admin_head-hook to inject some SCRIPT stuff into the header part. Works well. // Ich m?chte unter bestimmten Umst?nden auf einer Admin-Seite durch ein plugin einen JavaScript:window.open()-Aufruf starten. Dazu benutze ich den admin_head-hook, um SCRIPT-Kram in den Header einzufügen. Das funktioniert auch:
function uf_add_popup($fake) {
echo "<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript'>";
echo " function PopUp(URL) {";
echo " window.open(URL, '', ...);";
echo " }";
echo "</SCRIPT>";
add_action ('admin_head', 'uf_add_popup');
The <HEAD> part looks okay. // Der <HEAD>-Teil schaut gut aus.
BUT: later in that plugin, I want to call the JS function, which has been defined in the header and I need to pass some content (an URL) to it. Unfortunately, I cannot pass additional parameters to admin_head, so I tried to simply call the JS function. // ABER: sp?ter m?chte ich in diesem Plugin die JS-Funktion, welche im Header definiert wurde, aufrufen und ihr Inhalte (eine URL) übergeben. Leider kann man admin_head keine Parameter übergeben, also rufe ich die JS-Funktion einfach auf:
echo "<JavaScript:PopUp('https://some.url/whatever/')>";
WordPress says: “headers already sent”, so it simply does not work. The problem is, “whatever” is some string, I cannot call directly in the FS function above, because it’s created dynamically. // WordPress sagt dann: “headers already sent”, also klappt das so nicht. Das Problem ist, dass “whatever” ein String ist, den ich nicht direkt in der obigen JS-Funktion aufrufen kann, da er dynamisch generiert wird.
The question is: how to first define a JS function and later call it? // Die Frage ist: wie definiert man erst eine JS-Funktion und ruft sie erst sp?ter auf?
Thanks for your support. // Danke für die Unterstützung.