I Googled how to make an image on my blog unpinnable, and it worked great.
However, I want to make my photo in the “About Me” widget unpinnable, as well.
I tried to figure it out on my own, but the code looks different than the code for the images in posts.
Here’s how I got to the code on the widget image: I right-clicked on the image and clicked on “Inspect”. I found some code that looks like this: <image src=” which is followed by my site’s address, the date of upload, and the image’s file name. After the closing ” , there’s a space and then: draggable= “false” alt scale=0″> == $0
The code that I used to make the image in my post unpinnable is nopin = “nopin”. This was of course inserted at the end, right before the closing characters.
But what’s throwing me off is, (as you can see above) the code in the widget photo is a bit different. So I don’t know exactly where to place my nopin = “nopin” code.
Or if it should even go there at all! For all I know, there may be an entirely different place I should be looking.
Can someone please advise me?
]]>I put in a new image widget into my primary sidebar. I have a few already in place. I did what I normally do, put in a title, add an image, put a link in the image URL and save. Normally they show up in the sidebar, but not this one.
When I look at it, either in appearance or live edit I can see that it is not working, but no indication of why.
I have checked size of image against the others that are showing and that is not the problem.
Any ideas?
]]>Question: Is there a way for the widget to retrieve an image from a post if it finds one? In such case, the admin would also have the option to resize it so it displays on the widget nicely.
Here’s an example from a similar plugin, showing their “Top Ratings” widget…
]]>website: https://www.TheChoice.one
]]>website: https://www.TheChoice.one
]]>Hoping someone can help- so I am using sidebar widgets and image to link to categories/other pages. Is it at all possible; and using the html code in the widget; to- when you hover the mouse over the image it changes to text only.
Ideally id like the image “box” to turn bright pink then in white text in the centre of the image “box” show eg “Cake”
Current html code in widget:
<a href="https://**mywebsite***.com/classification/cakes/"><<img src="https://**mywebsite***.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/cake.jpg" width=200 height=120 /></a>
any help would be much appreciated
]]>How to rectify this problem?