]]>I’m building an eCommerce site using WooCommerce and I need a Products Filter widget that puts all of the main categories in a dropddown. Once you select an item from that dropdown you can select another sub-category from a different drop down. This is an example. I’ve been looking through different widgets but I have not had luck finding one. I wouldn’t mind purchasing one as long as it wasn’t too expensive.
Please let me know if you know of any!
Thank you!
]]>Anyway, im having problems with the recent jobs sidebar widget…sometimes it blows up, sometimes it doesnt..but most of the time it does on the blog page and posts and single job page…although the widget never blows up on the homepage. I disabled all the plugins and still no luck and clearwd the cache.
Below is the screenshot of how it looks like:
I dont think this is a css issue… i checked the css and it seems fine on the homepage and the other pages.
Thw difference i saw was the change of hrefs…there were more hrefs linking to the job post on the blowed up one compared to the fixed one.
]]>.footer-widget {
background-color: Red;
Please me with a code
]]>May i know is there a way to fix the broken widget configuration page i having here (ref:
Thanks in advance
]]>1. Top rating result widget(or shortcode) :- This widget would show the top ten rating result.(Refer link for example)
2. Recent review widget(or shortcode) :- This widget is just like recent comment widget, but difference is that it should show the average rating of user along with the comment excerpts.(Refer link for example)
Thank You
]]>I’ve build my first own theme. Can anyone tell me how I can add a slideshow module to my homepage?
Is there a special tag which I should use in where I can place my widgets?
In non-widget it’s simple, every
<li><div class="li-top"></div>
<div class="li-bottom"></div></li>
Is there any way, ho to make it in widget-ready theme? thanks…