Since Subscribe2 is not communicating with either of the two independent plugins, I suspect the problem lies with Subscribe2.
Can you help, please?
]]>Supoort is perfect and answer quickly. I had long covcersations from my Gmail with them and they always respond.
The Projet Manajer intself is pretty easy to understand, intuitive and powerful.
Best regards for all the team and thank you so much for your help.
]]>Der Bug kann folgenderma?en reproduziert werden:
Fügen Sie ein Produkt zum Warenkorb hinzu: und gehen Sie danach zur Kassen-Seite ( Dort k?nnen Sie als Zahlungsart paypal ausw?hlen (unter “zahlungsart ausw?hlen”).
Sie werden sehen, dass unterhalb der Bestellübersicht, wo normalerweise die smart buttons zu sehen sein sollten, gar nichts zu sehen ist (siehe auch die beiden Screenshot von oben).
Wie k?nnen wir dieses Problem l?sen?
Bitte sagen Sie bescheid wenn Sie weitere Infos, Credentials zu meiner Seite o.?. brauchen um den Bug zu l?sen!
Mit freundlichen Grü?en,
Sebastian Hofstetter
The worst part is the plugin size is 13mb which will kill your site’s load time. Don’t waste your time on this one!
]]>First of all, I would like to say that this platform supports the best service in this field of e-commerce.
They are very kind and above all, very professional. Their ticket service is very detailed.
I’ve had a lot of trouble lately and they willing to helped me.
And I escaped from problem by their help.
WordPress, as you guys know, is so wide in scope that it’s like traveling in an endless universe.
By the way, the trip is so vast that it can easily get lost.
The lost results in a waste of time and money.
DOKAN will reduce such your unnecessary experience.