I want to have some private pages that people are able to comment on. On my Dreamhost-hosted WP installation, after you “Leave a Reply” you’re left at an empty wp-comments-post.php URL. My Apache error log contains
ModSecurity: Rule 6fb25f23bad8 [id "942360"][file "/dh/apache2/template/etc/mod_sec3_CRS/REQUEST-942-APPLICATION-ATTACK-SQLI.conf"][line "444"] - Execution error - PCRE limits exceeded (-8): (null). [hostname "www.skierpage.com"] [uri "/wordpress/wp-comments-post.php"]
This happens whether I’m logged in or supply a username and e-mail. Is leaving a comment on a password-protected page supposed to work? Could it be a problem with my site theme (oldTwenty Ten with CSS mods to fix mobile issues) on 6.0.2? Commenting on a password-protected blog post fails as well.
Does URL Shortify do its work entirely within the WP ecosystem (code and database), or does it have to make changes to any web server files?
]]>Q: what is the recommended server for best performances of WPFC – Apache or LiteSpeed Web Server?
Thank you!
]]>Does it work with lighttpd?
]]>Problem Description
Our site is experiencing “White Screen of Death”. We do not see any error. Please see screenshot for better understanding.(https://i.stack.imgur.com/chSOi.png). its just that. The site just tries to load but cannot.
Findings : what we have done to fix this
We can fix it (temporarily) if we reboot the server (restarting the whole virtual machine).
But this is not a viable solution . As we have other WordPress and non-Wordpress websites in that server which does not have that issue. And rebooting the server means all sites in the server are down for 5-10 minutes. After rebooting the server site comes back and works fine as usual.
But This problem occurred at least 3 times since last week. We cannot replicate the error by clicking on any page. There is no particular time of the day when this happens.
Further information :
The only significant change we can think of is upgrading the PHP version for the site from 5.3 to 7.2 in our web server. FYI we have upgraded the PHP version last month. And for approximately 3 weeks we have not seen this or any other issue. The wordpress version of the site is 4.9.1
We have tried to look in to the error log at the time of the problem . but we could not find any thing relevant.
I am really blank and do not know where to look at. Can you please advice ?
]]>When we look at the manage affiliate is show it is active and approved affiliate, however how would our affiliates know if they don’t receive the email confirmation?
]]>WP version: 4.9.8
WP Theme: Twenty Ten with minor alterations
Web server: MAMP PRO 5.1 with SSL enabled
24″ iMac OS X El Capitan
1. I have not changed any of my blog’s settings before or after the web server update.
2. I have not changed the blog’s URL, permalink settings or anything else.
3. I have not added or deleted any plugins before or after the web server update.
4. Permissions on the “wp-content/Uploads” folder and subfolders is set to 755.
Everything was working fine prior to updating my web server software.
The symptoms:
1. My blog’s header image does not appear on any pages anywhere, even after uploading a fresh copy of it and pointing to it in my theme. There is no broken image icon or anything. There is just a blank spot at the top of the blog’s home page.
2. No post images appear on my blog’s home page, or on any pages after that. Again, there is no broken image icon or anything. The image is simply not there.
3. If I click on the “edit” link for a post on the home page or on any other page, and then on the “visual” tab on the editor page, the image for that particular post does appear. I tried this with several posts, and get the same results. In other words, the image does appear if I switch to the visual mode in the editor window.
4. All of my image thumbnails ARE visible in my media library.
5. I can add new images to the media library, and they do appear there.
6. If I create a brand new blog post which includes a newly uploaded image to my media library, just like the older posts, the images does NOT appear in the new post, but does appear if I go to the “visual” tab in the edit window for that post. The new image also shows in the media library.
7. If I click on one of the category links in my blog’s sidebar, and then click on the “continue reading” link for any given post in that category, the image does NOT appear for that post. But again, if I click on the “edit” link for that post, and then choose the “visual” tab, I do see the image for that post.
8. Even setting the permissions on the “wp-content/Uploads” folder and subfolders to 777 does not help.
9. All of the media library images are definitely located in my “uploads” folder. I do not use any external images on my blog. They are all locally hosted.
I have searched the web, and here as well, but have thus far not found any solutions that work. I do not believe that this is a plugin issue, because as I said, everything was working fine with my current plugins prior to the web server upgrade.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
]]>On local server (xampp) work perfectly, but on my web server dosen’t work.
any idea?